
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. You forgot delivery charge (+VAT) but it only makes a penny difference per well nut.

    I think you'd be hard pressed to work your way through 500 though :wink:
  2. I bought 50 for 35 pence each from another supplier...............but yep, you are right about disposing of 500, unless I was supplying them to others at £5.00 for 15, say.......

    PS... VAT & delivery was included in the 17.2 pence price.

  3. It's a tricky situation because if you start selling them on, you have some overheads which will add to your overall price - ebay charges are horrific for listing and final fee, or the hosting charges for your own website (or both!), and then you lose on PayPal (or credit card charges) as well! Then you've got the cost of printing an invoice slip, the envelope you send them in, the postage charge, any packing materials you use (unless you chuck them straight into the envelope!), cost in both time and travel to get to the post office, etc before you even start to make a profit! It's not just about the unit cost...

    I think it would be great if the forum could club together and buy 500 - the "Group Buy" model. You would probably want to split them into manageable amounts - 20x (=25 people) or 25x (=20 people) - then part them out that way. You get the discounted bulk price, without the hassle of a whole load of stock left over you can't sell and overheads of becoming a small-scale seller. But it's still a risk for the money handler if he doesn't get paid.
  4. I have owned a limited comany with a website for the last 25 years; so I would have no overheads to add as such.

    As for padded envelopes.........F-me, we have got so many, we have had to chuck some away.

    However, I didn't post the link with the intention of starting to sell the bl**dy things........It was simply to show how people get ripped off....

    ....Same with stainless nut and bolts etc......we have a local supplier who provides an excellent range and who will supply small quantities for a couple of quid......I have a boxful of them, which probably amounts to £10 expenditure.

  5. Oh completely, but I'm just trying to point out that to get them cheaper you have to buy more than you'd know what to do with, so in reality you're not comparing apples with apples. A bit like the difference between a bottle of Stella in the pub and the same in Tescos!

    Besides, Ducati charge something ridiculous for them, like £6 each?!?
  6. That's partly my point....... :wink:
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