1260 Uk Multi Meet-up

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. Just a suggestion, but as there are many of us that cannot for whatever reason attend the EMM 2020 meeting / trip, can I further the previous suggestion that we hold a UK meetup for all multi riders.

    We could use 14th June to match up with EMM’s & possibly meet central UK, I suggested :-

    Doms Bike Stop. HR6 0QJ
    Perhaps aim for a late breakfast (11am) to allow distance riders to get there.
    Plenty of parking and on the edge of some great roads.

    Anyway, just a thought.............
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  2. It's a good thought , just a bit to far away for me though.
    Have fun ;)
  3. Sounds great and definitely some great roads round there but I'll still be over on the island after the TT. Would definitely be interested in getting to another one at some point though.
  4. Date and place are good for me added to which it's in easy reach of mid Wales and some fabulous roads. Provisionally I'm in :upyeah:
  5. Everything is possible at this point, I just thought it would be nice to have some sort of meet up. As very few of us know where anyone else is perhaps a few other suggestions of places and dates and we could have a second one !
  6. Panigale’ist :mad:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Weekend after would work for me if possible. No worries if I'm the minority though as I think it would be a great idea to organise another one a bit later. Maybe meeting at Hawes for instance. That could be handy for those near and north of the border too. Some awesome roads round there made better by the tour de france running through there a few years back. Silky smooth now
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  8. Could be up for that, but heading off to the Blackforest on the 18th, might be able to do the both though.
  9. I could do that, remind me nearer the time.

    Good idea.
  10. I’ll be up for it
  11. Similarly heading for Switzerland, via Ardennes and Vosges, with early chunnel on the 18th. Will be a chance to scrub in new tyres before leaving :D
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  12. I like the idea, but like a few others I suspect, will becoming back from the TT that weekend.

    As an authentic Northerner, I’d like to draw the OPs attention to the ‘central’ location! :grinning:

    North Yorkshire is more like Central UK and bloody handy for me! We have a couple of decent roads too.
  13. Funny that, a group of us go to Leyburn once a year to meet some mates and ride around for a couple of days, always a great trip.
  14. Sounds like what I was mentioning. Leyburn is a stones throw from Hawes. Used to live near Leyburn and commute to Leeds via Masham/Ripon which is quite a nice road too. Sounds like a plan...;-)
  15. Know it well, good fish and chips in Hawes, stayed there once as well, I do like the road past the viaduct, can get a bit of a squirt on, plus Askrig to Catterick along the tank range road, goes up and down, did that both ways last year.
    #15 BigAlan, Jan 25, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2020
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  16. Diary permitting, I’d be oop fer a Northern meet.
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  17. So perhaps a second meeting?

    Midlands, (centre of the UK ;)), June 7th with a run out to somewhere like Rhayader and the Elan Valley.

    Oop North, (where it’s grim :scream:), Perhaps September, maybe somewhere like Squires Cafe
  18. Haha, might be grim oooop norf but we have some awesome roads. Personally I can take it leave Squires. Don't get me wrong it's ok but for choices of good roads Leyburn area would make a great base. July would be good as the weather would likely be better too. We could easily have a ride to either the east or west coast and anywhere inbetween.
  19. Corrected for you...

    Oh, and the North: Yorkshire in Fact :yum far too beautiful for Multi's o_O


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  20. Squires is an OK place to meet up. Some good roads around it too once you get a little bit away from there, the Wolds, the Peak district etc. The old Bill are always in evidence around Squires tho', so if you are going there - behave within a 5 mile radius or you will end up nicked :)
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