So, some pics. Already started removing a few bits for cleaning and have a nice collection of new service items. Great service from Ducati Mondo! Also thinking of brake clutch line replacement and also noted Cush drive has a bit of play in it too!
when you said taking out of hibernation after a few years, i had images of a dirty old bike covered in cobwebs and rat poo.... that really is a nice warm garage you have there!!! you could eat ya dinner offa that bike (although id imagine one would get stabbed for trying such a thing)
In fairness I have been cleaning a bit. Clutch slave has leaked and didn’t spit it. Taken all the paint of the case so that’s coming off to be repainted.
As you appear to be on the std sprocket and you said about cush drive careful the sprocket doesn't wind itself off the cush drives and damage the swing arm.