Paddock Stands For A Monster?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Deano69, Jan 29, 2020.

  1. Was just looking into getting a paddock stand for my monster and wandering what all you guy's use?
  2. Harris are good mate
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. I have front and rear stands available that were for my deceased S4r. I am selling them anyway, along with lots of other bits but I haven't got around to doing an ad. January is tax return month for myself and my company :weary_face:
  4. Geetech fabrications. Best stands I’ve had
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Perry - the rear's single sided I think on the S4? Might be interested to adapt for my Hyper if it's a reasonable price;)
  6. I have a pin for a single sider to fit a monster if that helps anyone. FOC.
  7. Yes, my S4r was single-sided swinging arm. I don't want anything for it except postage. And it may be too big and heavy for my local PO. I dunno if it weighs more than 2 Kg but I think that that is their limit.
  8. Hi @Deano69
    I have what the pro's use on this side of the pond for both bikes:
    Two versatile Baxley Sport Wheel Chocks (Garage, Paddock and Trailer when bolted down).
    One Pit-Bull Front Triple Hybrid (only used the bottom half so far) and a Rear SSSA stands
    Screenshot from 2020-01-30 07:56:22.png F0100-200-1000x1000.jpg F0099-210-1000x1000.jpg
    #8 DarR, Jan 29, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
  9. PM sent...
  10. I got Probike Stands.
    A lot cheaper than Harris but solid quality, proper workshop stuff not like the guff you find in most places.
    Thats who done Ducati Glasgow's whole workshop

    I wanted Geetech ones but gave up on trying to order them. He seems to do good work but doesnt put much time into the customer service
  11. Perry - I just tried the rear stand on my Hyper & it slots straight in; perfect fit on both diameters:):upyeah: Thanks again & I hope your trials & tribulations with the dopey teenage bureaucrats get resolved in your favour:punch:
  12. That's great news! Glad it fits :upyeah:
  13. ABBA Stand, get the kit and you can lift the front too...
  14. I've got front stands. They fitted my Monster but also fit my other bikes :)
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