Short Levers

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by jose, Jan 29, 2020.

  1. Anyone have any good short levers on the 2020 hyper?
  2. Why? They are Physically inferior to normal ones :thinkingface: unless you want less braking ability of course :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Easier reach, shouldn’t affect braking.
  4. Leverage does :eyes: long levers can be adjusted for reach too?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I’ve never heard anyone saying anything about a different leverage feel. Not sure?
  6. Do you have any advice on good adjustable levers ?
  7. Only ever used what came on my bikes - Brembo's on my Ducati's - here's the full range of adjustments on one of them - there will be many better value that other people have tried and can recommend.

    IMG_0138.jpg IMG_0139.jpg
  8. Full length are definitely better
    • Agree Agree x 4
  9. Thank you. I’m looking for one that is easy to adjust on top even while ridding.
  10. The Brembo's in the picture adjust very easily while riding - I've just sat on the bike to try it :)
  11. surely if you have long levers but lil hands so have to dial the span back, the leverage would be the same as a shortie?
    hmmm... i have man's hands so it aint a prob!
    i have v-trec levers on my 748 and love em.. they are adjustable in both length and span.. quality stuff from a german company (although probably made in china!!!!) not cheap though.

    edit, ok perhaps not the leverage but the range of movement would be crap...
  12. Listen to the science dude with stumpy (man) hands o_O
  13. Go for a set of pazzo' s or something like that.
  14. I was looking at those too
    • Like Like x 1
  15. seriously, look at the v-trec . they look great and are well made.. the bonus being the adjustable length, if you dont like em short, youve not wasted ya money... the other bonus is they are not pazzos, which every man and his dog has!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. im open to that... where is it?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. cock...
    . more the point i was trying to make was, if you ave long levers but small hands and you have to adjusts the span back, you might run out of travel before getting full brakes.. probably not a problem on modern bikes at all? i dont know... certainly on my ss it would be... hence me talking about the range of movement being crap... if that were the case youd be better leaving the lever further out span wise and gripping it further towards the pivot point. harder work.. or going for a shorties (equally hard)if you like the look...
  19. I thought you were wanting the science - soz dude o_O someone will be along soon to say it's not true anyway I guess :eyes:
  20. Here I am..... whilst I understand the mechanical advantage of using longer levers, surely the position of your fingers along the length of the lever is more important? if you are 1 or 2 finger braking would you get the mechanical advantage as the position is unlikely to be any different? I’m thinking having a bigger target area if you need to grab a fist full for something unexpected is where the longer levers come into play?
    #20 MDUBZ, Jan 30, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
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