So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. A frustrating day with no time at all spent riding my bike. Had a hurry-up-and-wait day at work installing some networking hardware at one of my customer's tiny offices and met a woman there who I realised I have known for thirty-two years. Thirty-fucking-two years.

    I now feel old and drunk.
  2. are you sure you weren't in Iceland, cos mums love shopping in Iceland :tongue:
  3. I've been waiting in tenterhooks on whether we've won a tender in Turkey. I'm still waiting :rolleyes:
  4. She was playing with her puppies :upyeah:
  5. Went to see iron man 3 with the kids last night - nice bit of escapism and fun, but just confirms my dislike of 3d movies as a concept (timing of 2d didn't fit with getting the lads, then getting home and fed at a decent hour).

    Still, we all enjoyed it :)
  6. Put my leathers on
  7. Having a full English at the local greasy spoon while my bike is in a nearby backstreet bike shop having new tyres fitted :)
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  8. Having a hangover:frown:
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  9. Had a bike trac fitted to my new toy, while it was in they gave me an 848 evo demonstrator....sorry to say this I was glad to give it doubt awesome on track but IMHO its not for the road. The mirrors are even worse than those on my 996, it vibrated that much that screen shook and when i contorted my body enough to look in the mirrors they shook so much that everything was a blur anyway!

    sure 848 owners will shoot me down but I was very unmoved by it on the road.
  10. Just got 998 MoT'D ready for 1st of month next week.
  11. Feeling sorry for myself and have watched last nights Corrie and Celebrity juice.
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  12. Nice little ride up to Snells for a coffee and chat (some lively kit in there) then MotoRapido for bit wet coming home but still enjoyable

    Now Superpole, light lunch then a 5k run...hopefully!
  13. Yea not having the best of times at the moment! Chain incident was down to a chain that had been on for far too long, my own fault, I reaped the consequences on that one.

    This was just dodgy weather.
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  14. I've spent all day on the sofa watching the snooker.

    Have been feeling very iffy for 4 days now (nauseous). It's also cold and pissing with rain, so it's not as if I'm missing anything. At least I'm not feeling guilty.

    Couldn't find the Superpole on the TV anywhere. Where was it on? I don't have Sky BTW.
  15. It was on Eurosport.

    I spent all day on the sofa too. I didn't see you :smile:

    I've been ill all day. Still am. I've just had some chicken soup in the hope its magic formula will get rid of this damn man flu.
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  16. Moved my Mum from the house her and the ole man have been in for 40+ years.
    Both bloody hoarders!
    House, sheds, greenhouses and more sodding sheds!
    Properly f'ing knackered now!
  17. I've been shifting others peoples' crap too, for no good reason as it turns out:mad:

    I rent a bungalow off an old lady, and she's trying to rent out the house next door too, rung a mate and he spoke to her, all agreed that he would move in except he didn't want her crap furniture. She's a really old lady so I offered to help, and I've been dodging around shifting sofas and beds, and taking crap to the dump, only to find she's offered the house to a complete stranger...
  18. But not on French Eurosport unfortunately. We had obscure motor races, gymnastics and other uninteresting things. That's the only Eurosport I can get here. Pity. it always used to be on here. Maybe on later (so don't tell me what happened!)
  19. Think I've got that to do next weekend when I have to move my olds into a home :frown:
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