I forgot Iceland. By the way, listing countries you have been to is one thing, but which did you like best? Which would you most like to go back to?
I've been visiting eastern Europe of late, and finding it to be a fantastic; full of history and friendly people, and cheap of course, which is why I've been heading that way. One place I won't go back to is Italy, it transpires that me and Italians don't get on very well at all.
Go north of the Great Glen, that is the geological fault line which runs between Fort William and Inverness, and better still north of Ullapool, avoid July and August which is the height of the midge season. It is a beautiful part of the UK and the roads are brilliant.
I'd need to sit down and add them all up but I have been to every continent and I know I've skied and snowboarded in 71 resorts in my time so far
France Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg Germany Switzerland Austria Italy Spain Greece Monaco USA China Hong Kong Egypt Australia Ireland Philippines Singapore Thailand Maldives Turks & Caicos Islands Andorra (eek!) Hungary Russia Liechtenstein Vatican San Marino (I think) Morocco Dammit. That seems to make 29... What have I forgotten? (slightly over 30 now anyway...) Which one did I like best? Simple: Switzerland, which is why I live here. Which ones would I most like to visit? Japan, India, Canada, Columbia. But especially Japan. Now, if only I had a little (or a lot) of cash...
Ok then... France Belgium Holland Germany Luxembourg Switzerland Austria Italy Spain Portugal Greece Turkey Greek Islands Hungary Poland Czech Republic Bulgaria Lithuania Denmark Israel I think that's it.
"Greek Islands" and "Greece" are the same thing, you cheat! (Clue - only one international football team)
England Ireland Scotland Wales Norway Sweden Denmark Belgium Holland Germany Austria Luxembourg Czech Hungary Germany Switzerland Italy France Spain Andorra Canary Islands Portugal Greece Cyprus Italy Yugoslavia Monaco Vatican City Liechtenstein Turkey Georgia South Africa Tunisia Egypt Gambia Philippines Hong Kong Thailand China Malaysia Indonesia Australia Venezuela Colombia Mexico Brazil Argentina Canada USA i think that's about it. From memory, like :smile:
I'd be inclined to count Britain as 4 countries. I'm surprised we haven't had any ranting Scots (or Welsh) here yet. Ask them if they think that Scotland isn't a separate country (and then run and hide). Has the Vatican got a football team? I'm not sure it has.
Probably Swiss mercenaries. Scotland is a separate country that is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Which is why the UK isn't an island, its a land mass. An island does not share boarders with another nation (although a nation can comprise of several islands)
Here's mine. UK Ireland ( Southern bit ) France Belgium Austria Germany Italy Norway Switzerland Spain Portugal Canaries ? Egypt Saudi Arabia Israel Australia Singapore United Arab Emirates Barbados Bermuda America San Marino Monaco Cyprus Holland