My First Ducati, Multistrada 1260st (and Photoshoot!)

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by DucatiPhil, Feb 3, 2020.

  1. Hi All,

    Thanks for accepting me on the forum! I'm pretty excited to say i finally made the jump and purchased a '19 Multistrada 1260S Touring. I have a few Euro trips already planned this year and am looking forward to the adventures i will get with this bike.

    A close friend of mine has recently done a bit of a photoshoot on this bike.. once i have uploaded the pics to a hosting site i will share them on here (assuming there is a photos thread somewhere!) I will come back here and link it once done.

    Anyway, look forward to speaking to you all on these boards when its raining outside and i cant be on the bike!

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  2. Morning chap and welcome
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  3. Hello Phil, and welcome.

    Looking forward to seeing the pics. A photoshoot is something I have planned for my 1260 too; just waiting for some decent weather :)

  4. Welcome David
  5. Welcome - just post your pictures on here - they should drag and drop from a lap top :):upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I think the file sizes are too large! But here is the link to the full album on Flikr:

    All credit to my friend @TAMVisuals on Instagram!




    • Like Like x 9
  7. welcome phil'
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  8. Welcome and enjoy!
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  9. Welcome. The Mutley is an awesome bike, capable of almost anything. Now you need to get out and ride it!

    have you got oil cooler/radiator guards? If not I’d highly recommend evotech ones. The cooler and radiator are a bit exposed.
  10. I actually have the evotech rad guards sat right next to me ready to install! Probably will get done this evening!
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  11. What have you come from? Is this your first Ducati?
  12. Yep its my first Ducati! I've been riding 4/5 years now, i still have a MK1 Suzuki GSF600N Bandit and a Suzuki DRZ400s enduro bike.

    Obviously a '19 plate 1260s is in a different league compared to both of these. I originally was planning to look at a Panigale/R1/CBR some kind of sports bike.. however last year i got the touring bug with my bandit (did x2 Eurotrips/8 countries some twice) and though i needed something that can give me the sporty speed fix but also carry me round the world... and so i ended up with the multi!
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  13. Welcome the the Forum Phil, great photos:upyeah:
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  14. Hello Dave....

    Lovely looking bike that...

    Very nice pictures :upyeah:
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  15. Welcome along
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  16. Welcome,great looking bike, you just need some bins in the pics now to keep Davebird happy :)
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  17. Welcome along nice bike
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  18. Great first write up nice pictures just need your bins photo shopped in and we will all be happy
    I have a 1200 PP and I absolutely loved it there is nothing in the bike market that will temped me away from the multistrada enjoy
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  19. Welcome to the forum
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