Hang on a minute, how's my bike got wrapped up into this? Surely this is about the imminent, probably painful demise of El Toro!
And Kenior has the big penis version...man up yer poof...whince moan and generally complain for at least a week
If the new jacket is going, I'll take that off the lucky escapee (oops, mean widow), and what size boots is he (given he has probably croaked by now)?
It's still here. I've made it through the night. Thanks for all your support and good wishes. I'm not out of the woods yet. :frown:
Nice to see you've made it through the night, hang on in there, there's light at the end of the tunnel. Steve
When you have the following, give me a call: Chest pain, short of breath, awakening short of breath/needing more pillows, fainting and/or dizziness, palpitations, cough, swelling or pain in the abdomen, increased swelling of the legs or ankles, nausea/loss of appetite. I have access to a defibrillator......:tongue:
I have had the man flue for 5 weeks now, been dead twice! Still bloody sneezing and have snot running down my face like a 4 year old lol! Lots of colleagues suffering with it.
Don't tell me that :frown:.........I've managed to make it to the office so I can pass my germs around though