Hi All, Just curious as to who and how many people play Black Ops on here. I've been in a few lobbies with GSXR clans etc.
Yep I'm on it most nights but having problems with sky and its like going through cold turkey :smile:
Hi mate don't laugh I created this ID years ago : jkb007 i was getting beasted until recently, it still annoys me that I get smashed by 10 year old kids some of the game play is unbelievably quick. Last game on Hijack was 15 kills 2 Deaths that was a good game lol
3rd or 4th Prestige that's some serious hours of game play. I'm Prestige 1 Level 55 was going or rather dreaming of being a Prestige Master but I can't be bothered unlocking the weapons again so I'm stopping there. Plus the long haired General is getting a little annoyed as Blops is bloody addictive