O crap there goes the fence

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard H, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. Blowing a gale here in the Midlands, rain is horizontal and just watched 4 panels of my neighbours fence take off! Think the Ducati will stay in the garage, drought what drought!
  2. Best thread title for ages.... ! Not nice further up around stoke either....... definitely not a biking day...
  3. I was going to ride to the mothers' today. I'll think I'll just put up an umbrella and see where I land instead! Horrid out there
  4. Not too bad down here in the south west.Damp and drizzle. Just your everyday summers day.
  5. Pissing down in Pig Town...:(
  6. Still in bed... woken at 3, 4, 5 and 6am by the drought hitting the windows.

    Oh well - if I dont ride it I cant crash it!
  7. It's awful here in Hereford car alarms going off at 4.45 this morning from the wind. It's still pouring rain and wind
    I'm staying in wrapped up watching MotoGP
  8. As a colleague said to me the other day, "Wettest drought I've known!"
  9. Same here in Lincolnshire, absolute lashing it down, going to stop in and watch the GP
  10. Just been down to the beach. Had an ice cream and sat on the sand. I lie its persisting down here on the sunny solent. While we don't ride are licences are safe.

    Regards Steve
  11. I never flew to work this morning because of the wind, so drove from Humberside to Teeside and back, the wind and rain was relentless for the full journey there and back.

    Got back just in time for the start of the GP......Go Cal....factory Yamaha on the way m8! :upyeah:
  12. Urgh, its just... urgh...
  13. Friday evening I had to bungee-cord the bike cover to the bike ... mistake as minutes later it still fell of the bike but this time was attached like a kite. Cords just stretched a bit from wind and it all took interesting turn. Quick run to grab it all as I could see SS tipping over. Round two bungee-cord all around the bike so air has no chance of lifting it.
  14. Sodding sun's finally come out..and I can't ride the bike, I've got a gig to go to in half an hour :)

    I've ridden it five times this month (and it's got wet twice!)
  15. 3 fence panels(£45)
    1 shed window(£25)
    getting wet standinG wheelie bins back up(drenched)
    keeping bike in the house PRICELESS !!!!
  16. Whats that bright round thing in the sky that's just come out ?

    not seen that here in the w midlands for weeks!
  17. Must be a local phenomena, it's not happening round here! :frown:
  18. Spoke to soon!! it's gone and raining again
  19. Normal service has now resumed!
  20. Bad in S Wales too, 1 post snapped, bird house smashed, garden clock/thermometer smashed and garden looks a mess.Plants blown everywhere.
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