Watch Our Sad Neighbour From Hell

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NOODS X, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. It’s difficult doing anything tbh as after complaining when I put up our ring cameras to the cops stating “ I could be watching and recording footage of his 6 year old girl” if you know me you will understand where I feel on that subject. Two days after the cops visited me with his complaint, he installed one.. ?
  2. Feeling your pain Noods. Bloody annoying but as you say, technically not doing anything wrong.
    Have you tried being sickly nice to him? That might really grind his bones to know whatever he tried he is not going to get to you?
    Then go smash some balls up the range to relieve your tension.
    Best of luck mate.
  3. I’d like to smash his balls up the range! Oh I’ve done the smiley bit :) and no he doesn’t like that ... x
    • Love You Love You x 1
  4. I have a neighbour who does the same thing to me
    She has to have part of my space and hers outside
    Her car door has to be opposite her front door
    Then her girls come and block me in

    We don’t have driveways but the guy next door does and they park right on the edge of his do it’s hard to get in and out

    Love the bins noodle doodle :)
    • Love You Love You x 1
  5. How's your topiary skills for that back garden project impending;),keep walking on the rightside of the law, because just one misdemeanor by yourself to his twenty,then you will definitely be in hot water with boys in blue,(the laws a arse,IMO).
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  6. If by Scouse you mean, nauseatingly smelly, then yes.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. What is the matter with some people! Jesus! I absolutely know what I’d do but that’s not helpful (or legal) just make sure you record anything and everything! The moron will drop a bollock sooner or later! I’m so grateful I don’t have any neighbors,(and I’m sure they are too)!! Try to not let it get you down if you can!
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  9. They’re not mine hun they’re his - full of cat poo I guess... x
  10. Another of his little boy Games is going to work for 8-10 hrs a day or even just going out and leaving his music system on in the house loud enough to keep me awake ( he knows I do nights ) so I have to sleep with an earplug in ( deaf in one ear) council have written to him many times over it but! Obv he answers to no one..
  11. I'm surprised that a spark from an unattended stereo hasn't started a fire ...

    ... there again, it looks like terraced housing so perhaps that's unlikely to happen.
  12. have you read his/this post....

    Screen Shot 2020-02-06 at 10.42.05.png Screen Shot 2020-02-06 at 10.42.36.png Screen Shot 2020-02-06 at 10.41.28.png
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  13. If the grief continues or gets any worse drop me a PM and I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to help out (if that’s the non-7 iron route you want to go down). :upyeah:
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  14. He's just spent some of his life on that unnecessary and pedantic action. I wouldn't even give him the fuel he craves by reacting to it. I take it that when he returns back home, he has to move that van back on the drive and park the one he left in, in it's place. :thinkingface: What he could have done was left in his van, do what he had to do then arrived home, parked his van, went in the house and got on with his life like any sane person.

    Ignore the silly twat.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. We are in a 3 story semi mte but there’s detached and terrace in the street.. “ something to do with a bomb being dropped during da war don’t you know” x
  16. Looking at just your video and accepting your neighbour has a drive and garage you both are acting in the same manner with your property occupation and parking on the highway, why you even place your bins in the same location. Just saying.
  17. Luv it mte x
    • Love You Love You x 1
  18. I've seen programs about harrasment like this where the council advise to keep a log and record evidence. I'm no leagal eagle, but I suppose you just have to keep calling them and as above, take some advice, but the 7 iron route is not recommended. You can bet he'll play the victom card when you give him his reaction. :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Why wait for another war?
    • Funny Funny x 2
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