anyone out "up north" this weekend

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Phill, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. weather pending I hope to get to hartside or maybe sherburn for a cuppa..

    anyone else out
    #1 Phill, Apr 27, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2013
  2. If you were to go to Sherburn what time would it be?
  3. If you were going to to go to sherburn I may have met you. That's if I make it through the night with my man flu. :frown:
  4. Will probablly be oot this weekend but I am a bit further north!!!
  5. how far north...whereabouts....?

    I often hook up with my mate from hull at sherburn as its class there when its sunny
  6. I was finally hoping to get out today, but the rain was lashing down when I got up. By the time the sun got out I was busy with other things.

    Maybe a short run to Rothbury.
  7. ill be going to hartside via rothbury and through thropton down to Hexham and hartside.

    pending weather of course
  8. I've removed some posts in this thread
  9. Aye might pop over.
  10. Glasgow!!
  11. I might go to Sherburn today. I'll check back later to see if anyone else is going.:smile:
  12. Make sure you do cos people round these parts get cheesed off if you don't. :wink:
  13. yeh lol.....on the hour every hour
    as there are 4 defined segments to a weekend lol
  14. whats it like down sherburn way.
    cloudy and dull looking my way
  15. Overcast with sunny spells in Harrogate. Quite windy too. I'll probably wait until after the first WSB race. I've never been to Hartside before, it's quite a long way but the roads do look good.
  16. :biggrin:
  17. Has rained on and off all day...

    Better weather tomorrow and best day looks like Tuesday, Have been up Hartside in the wet before, its not worth the risk!
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