Rip Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rushjob, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. yeah but, somewhere along the line the real meaning from the 1950's has been lost.
  2. Or maybe the real meaning from the 1300's is still (almost) current? LOL

    The word git first appeared in print in 1946, but is undoubtedly older. It is originally an alteration of the word get, dating back to the 14th century. A shortening of beget, get insinuates that the recipient is someone's misbegotten offspring and therefore a bastard.

    From before 1300 a get was what had been begotten, a child or offspring. But by about 1500 it had started to be used in Scotland and northern England in the sense of misbegotten, a bastard; from there it became a general term of abuse for a fool or idiot. By about 1700 get seems to have lapsed into slang or dialect, only to reappear in the wider language in the 1940s with a different spelling and lacking the associations with illegitimacy. James Joyce uses the older spelling (and meaning) in Ulysses in 1922: “The bloody thicklugged sons of whores’ gets!
  3. wow, maybe its just an isle of wight meaning of the word funny we both used very similar meanings mice and rats.
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  4. The very person trying to warn all of the latest Coronavirus was almost blocked from doing so, a lesson for us all in how not to run a country.
    Gone at 33 years old Li, you did your best.

    • Agree Agree x 7
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  5. How has he died? Aren’t we being told that to a healthy young individual it’s nothing more than the flu?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. Do you support Assanges incarceration @Chris , after all he's just a publisher showing the world. How horrible & evil the americunts are towards international rules on warfare. A whistle blowers...require someone to publish their incite!!

    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. I'm only Joe Bloggs, but no I don't ^, that's worthy of a thread in itself particularly as it's happening on home soil.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. There is a story circulating on Twitter that China accidentally posted up "the real stats" regarding Novel coronavirus - deaths at the time were not in the hundreds, but over 25000.

    I'm certain it's just Twitter being hysterical and we can trust Beijing's figures.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Damn,thats really wrecked my weekend.:confused:
  10. You had plans with Bill and Melissa?
  11. Not anymore.:worried:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. There was a bit on the news saying that his exposure to the virus would have been significant as a medic and this has ramifications on the ‘strength’ of the illness. Apparently many nurses died with SARS for the same reason.
    Whether this is true or not who knows?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. RIP Li Wenliang, he may become one of the most famous doctors in history...

    World at One on R4 interviewed a "China Expert" who said its likely now that the mayor or governor or the area where Li Wenliang worked and raised the alarm about the Coronavirus will face trial regatding the saction to silence him at the outbreak. This will likely result in a death sentence too. Where does it end?
  14. There's no problem so big, you cannot execute enough people to fix it. It's the Leftist way.
    • WTF WTF x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. And the Rightist way too :)
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  16. Your comments are usually thought provoking. This one shows theres an exception to everything. But thats OK, its the just the aluminium oxide damaging your view...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. A simple, "Yes, you're right" would do, Jez.

    You can do simple, right?
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