Honda 400/4 Rebuild

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by comfysofa, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. Thanks - ive a got a mate whose going to help me with the motor (if i need it!) - which i think i will.
  2. The bike being over 40 years old won't require an MOT, though you are obliged to ensure it is roadworthy. Once you have registered it as historic, then you apply for Historic Nil road tax.

    This is the info I have as I will be applying soon for the same on my little Suzuki.
  3. Ah - cool so i can apply for the tax free thingy now then (without clicking on the link)!
  4. A few years back David Silver rebuilt a batch of CB 400-4, and to enable that he commissioned a lot of the “unavailable” spare parts. If you check his website he lists pretty much the entire bike!

    Prices aren’t bad either for most of it.
  5. Thanks - this is the i recoat the old parts (as technically theyre original) or go for pattern parts which are gonna be cheaper...?
  6. Depends whether you are going to use it or show it?

    If using it, I’d use the best pattern parts, but keep the original bits with an oil/wax coating to conserve them.

    That would keep them available for future use.

  7. Just looking there now...its currently sorned so i dont have a v11....have to go ask up the post office i suppose...
  8. It is going to get used but literally just to turn the engine use it for a commuter trip once a month (with no rain in sight!)
  9. Keep it original. It was your Dad’s.
  10. Yeah - its kinda in the back of my is complete - even got the tool kit...
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  11. Even though it doesn't need to be taxed you still have to go through the taxing process every time it's due to go on the road, there's no charge at the end, and it has to be sorn when not on the road.
  12. kinda like my toyota iq (its tax exempt) i get the v11 to apply but theres a value of 0.00 on, to get the v11 ive gotta bring it out of sorn then apply...
  13. I may as well "keep it on the road" and just do the thing online once a year like the iq...
  14. So long as its insured you can apply for Nil tax.
  15. Yeah- its like, an extra 60 quid on my insurance...its been on most years (cos i thought...."this year ill sort it out...!")
  16. Ill leave it sorned for the moment til its at least back on wheels...!
  17. Looking at all this I've just realised that my Suzuki is a 1980, but because its registered after Jan 7th, I will have to tax and MOT it afterall. Oh well...
  18. Cheers - wow. They do a stainless rim....thats pretty appealing...
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  19. There'll be others that sell rims too, check ebay.. also Dave Silver

    Good luck with the project
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