1st Generation Multistrada 1200s Replacement.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Robot, Feb 11, 2020.

  1. Sold the Multi late last year, but looking for a replacement now.
    Any thoughts on 1200s DVT v BMW R1200rs Sport SE?
    Finances won’t stretch to the 1260s!
  2. I've got a couple of twin spark Pikes Peaks and love 'em.... if I was to sell one it would have to be something special... perhaps a V4 Mutley?
  3. I'd replace it with another 1st generation S model , best one they made IMHO having owned all the other iterations ;)
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  4. I'm after a sensibly priced Pikes Peak 1st Gen... as I agree (but not owned all the others).
    So long as you fixed the rear brake and sorted out the low down running.
  5. I had a BMW R1200RS nice bike does everything well but sadly has zero character. Sold it bought a Ducati
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  6. I looked at the BMW R.S the only reports I found was the bars made your arms ache. A few have put bar risers on & brought the angle back a bit. Obviously much lower power than the Multi.
  7. Thread moved
  8. to the multistrada forum :eek:
  9. Where the F did it start off?

    @AirCon - 2 Pikes Peaks:astonished:, a bit greedy isn’t it?
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  10. He's after a 3rd, wtf do you do with 3 of the same bike :eek:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  11. Best bike I've ever ridden.
    And two 749... if im ever feeling too comfortable.
    #11 AirCon, Feb 11, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2020
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  12. Nothing wrong with a reasonably good deal on a used Multi 1200S.
    Looking for a new something that's inexpensive, reliable and full featured?
    May not be the suggestion you are thinking of, but you may want to take a look at the Yamaha Tracer 900 GT.
    Lighter and 50% cheaper than a Multi 1260, comes STD with OEM panniers, a quick-shifter, heated grips, cruise control, center stand, full electronics, a Multi-like adjustable windscreen and is Yamaha reliable. It also goes like stink. IMHO, the Tracer GT is the Japanese Multistrada.
    #12 DarR, Feb 12, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
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  13. These are the two things I've done to my 14 twin spark, a trip to Hiltop Hinckley and 660 Motul does the trick. It makes It the bike it should always have been.

    As an aside I gave the 2010 to 2012 model a body swerve because of the few Cases where the crank lets go it seems to happen to this model.

  14. It just needs another 25 Hp then it would be a fantastic bike, it's still a bit heavy.
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  15. I had a BMW R1200S very capable sport tourer, easy to get on with and great for long days. I tried the bar risers but went back to standard as lifting the bars ruined the ergonomics. I sold it because it was a bit boring and souless. Bought a low (ish) mileage ST3 instead
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  16. The Mutley?
  17. I’ve had the original 1200S then a DVT and now a 1260.
    I was very happy with the DVT. Most of the problems with the early bikes were sorted (apart from the weak heated grips). It was much better riding at slower speeds and I never missed the more aggressive power that others talk about. Smooth is good in my world.
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  18. Gloat time, May last year I scored a 2014 PP with 1220 miles on the clock and I fookin love it. Previously owned a 1200 ABS and I thought that was the dogs danglies.....
  19. Lovely bike... or bikes :blush:
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  20. A9A9AD05-A272-4501-AB32-A7E56F82A828.png Put a deposit on this!
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