Chloe Haines Jailed For Trying To Open Stansted Plane Door Mid-flight

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. Whatever the rights or wrongs: In my experience, Summer flights to Mediterranean Resorts are made many times worse and dangerous by airports and flight companies wanting to sell you as much booze as possible - even at breakfast time. And then everyone involved, expresees fake surprise when people get arseoled and start doing stupid things... But that is what keeps the industry going!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. A plane door cannot be opened due to the cabin been pressurized, to my knowledge. Eldest brother 37+ years as a flight attendent...he's occasionally had the odd pissed up person go for it! This is because as a plane fly higher the atmospheric pressure outside increases. I don't know the ins & outs of this but there is no need to worry about someone achieving such a feet of strength.
  3. Nearly right, but arse about face.
    I believe there is an interlock. It stops the plane from disintegrating 'cause someone pushed the wrong button or lever.
  4. No, the pressure outside is lower!
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. She looks and sounds like the type of girl that you'd take home to meet your mum :)

    "She had been given a community order for similar offences involving alcohol and a loss of control 17 days before the incident, the court heard."
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Pretty sure it isn't... :)
  7. I'd a pal who was an air stewardess, really lovely girl. She was given the ibiza route, and quit after 8 months due to the behaviour.
  8. Personal responsibility is what is relevant in this and many other cases.

    If you are over the age of 18 you are legally allowed to drink. You are also legally obliged to take responsibility for your own actions. This woman did the first, thought the second did not apply to her, but will now have two years to reconsider her folly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I'm happy to be corrected & wrong.
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  10. Maybe this item should be in the Darwin Awards thread ?

    Something you never see as a verdict in inquests , or coroner's reports ,
    or whatever ....

    Cause of death : Chronic stupidity
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  11. Two years?
    It'd sit better if plenty of others didn't get suspended sentences for far worse
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Yes sentences often seem to be inappropriate when compared.
  13. It smacks of a grumpy judge having a bad day. She needs to be given a fright. A suspended sentence would have been enough, or, failing that, two weeks in jail
    Two years is a ridiculous term imho.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. Far as I understand commercial aircraft employ a plugged door design generally

    The door sides and top are angled like the perimeter of a bathpug, so it seals. That's probably the reason that if you've seen cabin crew opening or closing the a door it looks odd the way the door rotates and swings.

    The higher edge will be towards the aircraft cabin, as the aricraft climbs the differential pressure makes it impossible to open (although I've never tried to test the theory).

    A member of REM tried to do the same thing a while back and there have been a few others incidents reported. I'm sure its probably a regular occurence.

    I used to travel with my job a fair amount, never seen that tried, but have witnessed some incredibly stupid behavior and without exception alcohol was always involved. Mrs Old Jock had at one time to travel frequently from Glasgow to Belfast some of her stories are memorable.
  15. I believe her sentence as well as endangering everyone on the plane, also included assaults on two off the cabin crew.

    Also before passing sentence, the judge would have been aware that she had been given a community order for similar offences involving alcohol and a loss of control only 17 days before the incident.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. 2 years? Blimey. I defended a guy a couple of years ago who did something very similar while drunk, but worse in some respects, and he only got 4 months.

    In that case the plane was inbound somewhere over the Atlantic off the coast of Ireland when he committed a sexual assault on a transgender woman (patted her bottom), abused another woman by asking if she masturbated and then when challenged by cabin crew, he locked himself in the toilet and tried to kick a hole in the wall of the aircraft, causing the pilot to think a bomb had gone off so he started to prepare for dépressurisation and an emergency descent.

    He was of good character while it seems the woman in this case had recent previous for disorderly conduct (albeit not on planes).

    Scrambling two jets seems a little OTT. What were the pilots going to do if she had managed to open the door? Get out and catch her or close it behind her, so nobody else falls out?

    EDIT: There may be an explanation for the disparity in sentencing. I just remembered that I managed to get the “Endangering an aircraft” count against my guy thrown out on what the tabloids call “a technicality”.

    IIRC it was something to do with the plane being in international air space and so, from memory, the CPS needed the permission of the Attorney General in order to charge him. I spotted that the CPS either hadn’t done so or they couldn’t prove they had, so they had to recharge the attempt to kick a hole in the fuselage as “criminal damage” (max sentence, 6 months).

    Hence, my guy was only sentenced for criminal damage and the sexual assault (sentencing guideline suggests a community order for a bottom pat or similar IIRC). The judge’s hands were thus tied by the 6 month maximum, my guy had pleaded guilty in the Mags and so he was entitled to credit of one third discount, making 4 months #humblebrag
    #16 Zhed46, Feb 13, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
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  17. Meaning that other sentences are too low rather than this too high I assume.

    She’ll be out in a year. Pissed up in a year and a day. Back in the cells within 13 months.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. She sounds Classy.

    Hope it gives her the kick up the arse she obviously needed.

    No sympathy. While she was hardly likely to manage to open a locked cabin door, her intent was there, and rightly deserves punishing. That said 2 years when people who commit worse crimes get less. the sentencing in this country makes no sense.
  19. You can't open the door.

    Shame, because i'd have opened it and thrown her out
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Kind of woman I suspect would march on the street with a t shirt declaring ‘save our kids’ and ‘Peoria should be hing’ and ‘kids out of poverty’

    Then leaves little darlings at home while she swans off to the pub to get pissed. But they have crisps and CoCo pops to eat, right
    • Agree Agree x 1
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