12yrs Time Oil/hybrid Banned?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Phil D, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. Very true, but battery's have their efficiency issues too.
  2. Another big issue, in regard to cable infrastructure is this.
    Both the heating and heat pump industry is having hysterics about this.

    Gas boilers will be banned in new homes from 2025 in a bid to tackle emissions, the government has announced.
    Philip Hammond said new standards “mandating the end of fossil fuel heating systems in new homes from 2025 delivering lower carbon, and lower fuel bills too”.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Yep, all heating will be electric
  4. Where can I buy a penny farthing?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Phillip Hammond. And to think they’ll give that baffoon a peerage!

    they will push infra responsibility to the lines of shell, bp, other fuel station providers. Pumps will be repurposed.

    how long from the first few cars did it take to have a national fuel pump infra?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. An extra 20 to 40kW per property is huge, ok they will probably use heat pumps, so divide that by 4..... unless its a real cold day!
  7. All well saying it won't happen. It will happen unless the Climate Cult is proved wrong and then everyone starts to say the sun is about to implode, then it will be the Solar Cult. People did in the past worship the sun gods.

    Anyway, you as the Tax payer will foot the bill. The younger generation will reap what they are sowing.

    Massive tax hikes are coming our way.
  8. Ask @Pete1950 , he'll know.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. Any reason to increase taxes, especially by stealth, are adored by officials all over.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. It's a pity there are some lovely technologies for generating electric and heat from Gas...
  11. Benn mentioned about the infrastructure and generation. New homes, refurbishments will be converted. The legislation has been passed so it will happen.
  12. Probably large developments could have utilised CHP etc, but gas etc is a big bad fossil.
    What tech are you referring to regarding gas generating electric, not being smart arse, interested.
  13. o_OWith regards to infrastructure, wouldn’t it be easier to convert petrol stations to pump liquid nitrogen ( EDIT, i mean hydrogen :blush: ) instead of, or aswell as regular fuels and promote and get manufacturers on board? I think there are 3 hydrogen models available so far. If they can bring the cost of the hydrogen power unit down, surely it’s the way to go?
    #33 Itsamonster, Feb 13, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
  14. I'm interested in any knowledge you have of burning Nitrogen.... please PM me.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. It’s not really the biggest of problems in terms of the environment. It’s just the easiest thing to blame in my opinion
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Easiest to tax.... may be I'm getting cynical in my old age.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. For gas, wouldn’t it be a better use of existing resources to design more efficient ways to use it. Eg a converter that takes gas driven power, accelerates it and creates the electric needed? Do these things exist or need to be invented? Ie use small fossil energy in every home to generate big energy output
  18. Let's give it a few months.
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