I’ve gone the other way, now on a 1250 te rallye. Imho the two biggest differences are power (so faster) and skyhook is so much better and more adjustable. Can’t comment on finish: Ducati is shit tbh but can’t say if bmw any better
Interesting, I will bear that in mind, it's like a minefield, just when you think you are making the correct decision, something else pops up!, ah well I definitely need to ride one!
It's definitely more top heavy. I haven't owned a 1260. Mine is a '17 1200S. GS is a lot more stable as it carries its weight low, but you get used to it and the Multi isn't bad at slow speeds, just that the GS is the best in the business. I sold my 2009 single cam 1200 to get the Multi and ended up getting a 2010 twin cam GS too as I like them so much. Sports bikes seem like so much effort alongside a GS, Multi or XR... I know that a Panigale or S1000RR is faster, but TBH on the roads and with my matchbox-full of ability I'm happier, safer and faster on an Adventure / Sports Adventure bike these days. Middle age rocks.
That's why I have a twin cam... great bike. I hanker after a GSA LC, ideally one of the very pretty Rallye ones with the blue frame but they are mahoosive and apparently they're not as reliable. Can't be that bad as they sell so many... but bikes should be fun not hassle.
My 1200 gsa lc has been bullit proof and ive put 23000 kms on it in 2 years ,I drive the absolute bollocks out of it because I have sports bike power on the other bikes !! Ive been all over europe and IMHO there is no better all around bike package buttttttt they are pretty dull in the desirability department !!
Thanks for all the info and advice, I realy appreciate it, hopefully back soon with my findings! Cheers!