
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. That is impressive. Where can I get some to coat my bike with?
  2. Very impressive!!
    now we just need European/UK distributor...
  3. So what is this stuff? Is it toxic? Does it have side-effects? And would you ever be able to get it off again?
  4. Simple. Just wash it...er... no hold on...that can't be right....
  5. I was thinking of this to coat shower screens ,fittings etc but apparently you can't use it where detergents are present. And it's hellish expensive
  6. An acquaintance of mine is working on something with a similar product - I'll keep you posted.
  7. would be good on underpants.
  8. Or in the w.c.
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