Weirdos And Misfits

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. This disappointing by a long way.

    You dont need to put every policy dedcision to a public vote. You just need to ask the Public what they want and put it in your manifesto, then implement it. Which is what happened at the last election and upon hearing the public desire for more cops and more NHS it became policy and then BoJo won, takingb with him a lot of Labour voters. An idea most political parties have been trying to grasp for generations. I dont get the need for sarcasm just because DC has mastered the art.

    I'm not a fan of the we the remainers are intellectualy superior and the whole of the 51% Brexiteers (whats that 26M people) can be fooled all the time. I see DC as a bit of a mercenary and so if Labour had recruited him to marshal their troops they'd be in a darn sight better position than they are now. Thats not a far stretch of a theory when you think that the Tories are wearing quite a lot of Labours clothes right now, even going as far as trying to get a mansion tax to float, so if the price had been right and Labour really really wanted power then DC might have made it happened for them. I think the fact that the remainers didn't know what the hell they should do at the last election is telling about their abilities. Complacency from the remain side? The remain side lost the referendum, being complacent now is a dereliction of duty to their half of the argument they're supposed to represent, thats like saying they're a complete set of tossers.

    As far as I'm concerned the EU Unelected and Unaccountable beaurocrats do not engage with proletariat. they just scheme to acquire more power and expansion for an economic theory that has failed to comply with every conditon and test designed to stop a near ruinous situation cauised by the PIIGs, and other economic rules have given way to political aims. Don't forget that Germany are the biggest contributors and as such pretty much rule the roost EU wise.

    I didn't originally pitch this as Brexit v Remainers I pitched it as DC is listening (if that commentateor and his focus group theory is correct) and trying to facilitate whats needed, unlike the EU beaurocrats DC can be sacked at the drop of a hat. It just happens that he's doing it with the Tories.

  2. Eh? I didn’t mention intellectual faculties. I was referring to the fact that the vast majority of what the right wing press pumped out for decades about the EU and which the Leave campaign adopted and amplified was at best a misrepresentation and quite often downright lies. The only way I knew that was because I happened to have the specialist legal education and training to be able to assess their headlines and articles along with a lot of the stuff written on here which merely repeated them. If the Mail and the Express had spent decades lying about, say, IT or civil engineering (neither of which I know much about) instead of EU law then I’d be none the wiser too and probably equally indoctrinated. So it’s not so much a criticism of Leavers per se (though many seemed to shut their ears to the facts) but much more a damning indictment of our disgraceful and dishonest press and an ineffectual Remain campaign.

    I’m an equal opportunities iconoclast though, as I frequently rail against some of the nonsense written in the leftie press, especially about the criminal justice system. It just so happens that Europe has been much more of a talking point on here, so it might not be obvious (though I actually posted something about that issue yesterday and/or today)
    #22 Zhed46, Feb 18, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2020
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