Bless Those Little Snowflakes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by outintheopen, Feb 19, 2020.

  1. Just fill the fridge with these
  2. WTF! - I suspect there's an unnaturally high % of vegans at the BBC.

    There is a solution; Rod Liddle to be put in charge of the BBC and handle all the required reforms (and redundancies) John Humphries can be one of his Spads :laughing:
  3. Your beasts are eating their grass.
    Farming needs to be protected from these fanatics. Dairy is essential as is beef. I appreciate the food and supply chain but the byproduct is also clothing, pet food etc etc and who doesn't like a new pair of leather shoes or a belt.

    Probably drinking too much soy milk
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  4. But you can get all that with plants...:rolleyes:
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  5. Bacon?
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. Would you trust a race suit made out of Daffodils?
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  7. I’ve never understood why they want things like this though?
    If you want bacon then have bacon. I don’t want my steak made to look/taste/smell like a carrot, I’ll just buy a carrot.
    It’s like saying i want to be vegetarian but only if I can have what I’m giving up in some form.
    Is it like methadone for Heroin addicts?
    Fake meat for veggies as they can’t cope without bacon.
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  8. That’s hard work being a dairy farmer. I love my milk, butter & cheese, so thank you very much sir:upyeah: (even if it’s not your product I’m consuming) and vegans can shove it up their jacksies.
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    • WTF WTF x 1
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  9. I got vegan boots, shit. Got leather boots, excellent
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  10. Don't get me wrong I love salad!! But usually on my kebab or steak.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Eat/ don't eat what you like.... Just don't be a boring twat about it.
    How do you know if someones a vegan? They tell you.
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  12. Have to say, laughed out loud at that one. Well done.
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  13. Vegans need their own planet. Brain dead idiots. Is it acceptable to hunt and eat them yet?
    They are after all grass fed and free range!
    • Funny Funny x 5
  14. Very few humans eat carrion though

  15. That post takes balls.

    I remember about 40 years ago my dead telling me it will be the farmers that kill us all. Then about 10 years later along comes mad cow disease.

    yeah, dairy farmers, butter wouldn’t melt......

    here is a thought, some vegans are vegan, because of all the shit in processed and mass produced food and they can now only eat organic fruit and vegetables. whose fault is that?
  16. whos fault? bad breeding... if their constitution is such that they cant eat normal stuff, id suggest they have not evolved in line with the rest of humanity and should fuck off and die... doesnt being vegan mean not only do you not eat meat but you are staunchly against the use of animal byproducts in any way shape or form including in the manufacture/production of everything?
    shouldn't they all be walking around naked and starving as i dont think there are many things produced in this health and safety world that doesn't involve the use of leather boots, gloves and what not... how far do they take this shit? do they just pick and choose what suits em to get attention?
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  17. Farmers fault, obviously.

    Who else was feeding cows to cows? Mad Cow Disease.

    Salmonella in eggs.

    Who is feeding the animals antibiotics?

    Who is spraying pesticides which are killing bees? That then pollinates crops when the bees are all gone?

    Then there is farmed fish.

    I don't know what being vegan fully means. I am not vegan. I expect different people have different views. But myself and many other people I know can no longer eat processed or manufactured food, or (cows) dairy. Why is that? Thanks for the fuck off and die.

    However, I do know that farmers are to blame for many of our food and health scares that we have had over the years, and that the cause of it is greed over quality. But, if you don't care what you eat, then that's up to you.

    What's wrong with all you angry people? You are all "we don't want other people in Europe telling us what we want to do, we want to be sovereign" and a few people want to eat differently, exercise choice and sovereignty over what they eat and you are "fuck off and die"
    • Funny Funny x 2
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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  18. That’s quite an ignorant and ill revised conclusion. Firstly farmers don’t create manufactured and processed foods. They produce fresh produce. What’s more natural than fresh milk, beef or lamb. What happens to it once it leaves the farm and gets to a factory is hardly the farmers fault, it’s more the processors or supermarkets fault who are just out for profit to supply YOU with the cheap food YOU want. The food scares result when the natural food is mixed with shit to dilute it to increase profits. Hence the horse meat scandal.

    As a farmer with over 30 years experience I’m more of an expert than your average internet educated vegan or know it all keyboard warrior, so take it from me antibiotics are only used when needed, and rightly so. If you’re ill the doctor gives you antibiotics it’s the same with animals and it’s cruel not to. Antibiotics are expensive and are only used when needed.

    Like most people I don’t have a problem with veganism it’s a personal choice. It’s the vegans themselves that people dislike. They are ignorant, self righteous with a superior attitude and talk down to people who don’t agree with them. They are an extremist group who are prepared to cause disruption, damage, and threaten lives and my eyes that make them more terrorist. Most vegans have never set foot on a farm or spoken to a farmer they just watch those horrendous exceptional videos on YouTube and are force fed inaccurate posts on Facebook and think that’s what all farming is like. Anyone is welcome to visit my farm. You’ll see how well the animals are kept and how high welfare standards are and you will soon learn farmers are passionate about what they do and not the monsters were made out to be.
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