Honda 400/4 Rebuild

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by comfysofa, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. You'll soon be able to see what you're doing then. :upyeah:
  2. Literally for looking at my phone...through word of mouth and just my friends and famly base i tend to end up reparing lots of tablets and phones that have furiously small screws and what not..
  3. That’s how it starts , then you need them for looking at an iPad .....
    • WTF WTF x 1
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  4. Oh - i dont doubt it...i really dont old man had glasses from the age of 11 i think - i fully expected to be wearing glasses 30 odd years ago....! anyway....almost there got everything off the engine but, couldnt quite get the cases split....might be missing something so called it day today and go back tomorrow with a fresh set of eyes....
    IMG_20200222_164531.jpg IMG_20200222_174208.jpg IMG_20200222_175059.jpg IMG_20200222_183147.jpg IMG_20200222_183226.jpg
    #84 comfysofa, Feb 22, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
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  5. Blimey that brings back memories!
  6. @RickyX have i missed anything re splitting the cases - ive not taken the flywheel off yet (i assumed there wouldnt be anything behind there) having said that ill go and get the manual out...
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  7. Wasnt in the manual but it looks like (from watching YT videos) theres a hidden bolt inside the sump....gonna go back in the garage and check...
  8. Yip - there was a hidden bolt underneath the engine inside the sump...removed that, one tap, and the top part of the crankcase lifted....more pics tomorrow....
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  9. Ok - so, finally there...didnt go without its issues.... IMG_20200223_112022.jpg IMG_20200223_121735.jpg IMG_20200223_122553.jpg IMG_20200223_124310.jpg IMG_20200223_125122.jpg IMG_20200223_125128.jpg IMG_20200223_130147.jpg IMG_20200223_131028.jpg
  10. Never stripped an engine to the cases before (on my ownsome)....stuff i did wrong/fucked up (just a little bit)

    While trying to get the barrel off i used the rubber mallett on the fins and snapped a small bit off which pissed me off although its at the front towards the middle so not the end of the world.

    Also while trying to split the cases i couldnt quite get them to split (hence one of the pics) and it turned out that, i was trying to keep the stripping down to a minimum and left the pistons on, but, didnt see on the top of each opening on the top part of the crank case theres a very small lip each side that stopped me lifting the case.

    On the case splitting also, missed there was a hidden bolt underneath so spent an hour or so with the rubber mallet trying to separate something that wouldnt....!

    Should have removed the secondary shaft that drives the crank (that would have made life easier also).

    Hey - its all a learning curve though..!
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  11. Found these from my strip and rebuild.

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  12. Oh another question.

    1. Obviously the main crankcases are alloy but painted silver...initially im thinking get them cerakoted, but, was thinking abouit polishing them also but that could be more hassle in the long run (keeping it clean) and not getting chalky and pitted...also itrying to keep it as oem as possible...ish...

    What say you lot??
  13. Polishing would spoil the original look and be a bit too over the top blingy. Also, would be a pain to keep shiny.
    I wouldn’t.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Yeah - my thinking, crankcases and barrel titanium - (hes got a load of that left over from doing my hyper) an ever-so-slightly duller silver....? or bright silver (would cost me more as id have to pay for the paint...)
  15. Polish the sidecases and the rocker cover..?
  16. Polish what you can get at when it is all reassembled....don't lacquer the polished parts. Paint the rest.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. More questions...

    When the cases finally came apart the main bearing shells fell out....does it matter which ones go back in which place (mate is going to help me, and, is an engine builder for a job) so im guessing he knows but thought id ask all the same...
  18. Yep it matters if you are planning to reuse the old bearings .. I’d be fitting new as it’s stripped , along with any other bearings , chains and seals

    The damaged barrel fin can probably be welded or epoxied easily enough
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Yep - i was kinda expecting to replace pretty well all the chain as well? theres a thick wide drive chain also (not sure what to call that but i assume that would need replacing also...
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  20. Change the bearing shells - they are matched to the crank journals. I seem to remember they are different colours depending on measured tolerance.
    Change the cam chain.
    Not sure about the duplex primary they ever wear out?
    Looks good though.
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