It’s going to be interesting to see how the health of vegans fairs long term. I’m fairly confident we will see increased poor health issues such as osteoporosis and fertility problems in women. More worryingly undernourished sickly children who are born to vegans who impose their diet on them.
Back in the day when I rented out property I had a vegan couple rent a flat. They were always trying to convert me, saying it was a great way to loose weight. Since they looked like veal and weighed in at less than my legs I decided to give it a miss.... now that Atkins diet appeals.
my sister, who is a vegetarian (not vegan) had her new born daughter tested for food allergies 25 years ago (it was all the rage then) the tests came back showing that she was pretty much "allergic" to everything apart from distilled water... fortunately, although my sister was interested enough to do this test , she aint a nutter so realised it was all a load of shit. she fed my niece the same as we grew up on and let her make her own call when she was old enough. my niece is 25 now and healthy.... i think if her mum had listened to those weirdos it would be a different story.
I've also read that foods which cause inflammation (generally highly processed) are implicated in hardening and narrowing/furring of arteries. Interestingly, one of the prime culprits are hydrogenated trans fats which are found in margarine which we were told for years was better for us than butter.
interesting aint it? when i was a kid eggs were good. then really bad for you due to cholesterol. now they are a super food and good for everything that ails ya... everything in moderation.... apart from steak, there is no moderation needed with steak....
Exactly. Plus, it should be as natural as possible and not overcooked (says the man who cooked a semi-incinerated bacon and sausage brekkie on a coal fire almost every morning last week).
i was gunna say colour is flavor but im unsure of the racial connotations associated with that statement... lol!!! (im unsure if this is as funny as i thought it was also)
I’m sensing so much half glass empty here. whether it’s cows milk, soya milk, coconut milk or cats milk.
Me? Touch almond milk? You’ve been fed false news Noobs. It’s true I had a meat substitute burger in the Bike Shed, one of those things that are grown in a lab from plant cells to look & taste like meat. I like to think of it as me being open minded and experimental. It was shite. Seriously. That’s fecking rain they’re including there. Rain. Makes the grass grow. Natural. I mean, come on, that’s not a reasoned argument.
I’m f**king incensed right now with the bollocks being put forth in this thread. However, it’s too late, I’m too tired and have to be at work tomorrow at 8, to counter it all. But when Im done by about midday Ill be right back.
Que? You don't agree that "if we cant fuck it or fight it, we should kill it and eat it"? Or is the problem simply that you don't have an older brother?
i'm not overly convinced about the health benefits of vegetarianism. since giving up the fags the wife has embarked on more plant based diet. Sugar Cane, Cacao seeds, and potato derived snakes. i'm sure she looked healthier on a 1/4 oz of Golden Virginia and a bacon sarny a day.
one ducati!!! and it was a lemon when i bought it... i paid 1700 for it as i had a feeling the engine might go pop.....
everyone is free to eat what they wish Paul, as long as its not human flesh or whale but having had a bit of a wake up call 7 years ago I have learned a lot about food. As has the NHS. 7 years ago they told me diet was irrelevant. Today is very important. Science moves on