I don't like or drink milk other than a dribble in tea or coffee; I don't like eggs much although I will eat a cremated fried egg or a well browned omelette; I am gluten intolerant to some degree, but I eat toast; fat or gristle on meat makes me gag (excepting bacon); I don't like chicken that much particularly if it is slimy like KFC, but I will eat it if well done and dry, and the skin is crispy; I won't eat any steak if rare; I hate bloody vegetables and the only way I can eat cabbage or greens is to put vinegar on it....it's something I learned to do when I was a kid when I was told to eat greens; I will eat raw cauliflower, radishes, cucumber, onion and the centre of a cabbage when it has been cut up ready for cooking, but I don't like salads much; I don't each much fruit and when I do it isn't very often; I don't eat fast food, but will eat quality sausages and burgers cooked at home; no pheasant, but partridge and venison in moderation. .......am I a fussy eater? I don't know.
chocobo, are you remembering to breathe? You know that asphyxiating yourself is bad for your thought processes. Unless you have video evidence of modern domesticated felines attacking and killing bovines for their milk, I suggest you sit down and think about making dinner or something. Or at very least, putting the bong away for today.
I was beginning to get worried about you there for a moment, but so long as you are getting your partridge and venison I suppose you will be fine.
And I have gone right off baked beans.........they don't taste anything like they used to. Mind you, carrots have gone the same way....horrible when cooked.
mother fucker did you not see what i put in brackets? () those things.... i said, and i quote myself here, "albeit not one of those domestic rodent types" is there a fucken grey area here?
Domesticated rats? Rabbits? Capybara? WTF? chocobo, has someone given you acid grass? You know what you get like when you are tripping balls.
dogs shouldnt have peanut butter either but its funny as fuck watching em trying to lick it from the roof of their mouth....
Including their own crap as well as other dogs' crap. Yes, orrible. As bad as fake roast potatoes (roast parsnips)....vile.
I will eat raw carrots, but when it comes to cooked ones the only way I don't mind them is how Mrs Arq does them....slices them lengthways so they are about 2" long and flavours them with butter and plenty of garlic. I will eat raw garlic too......... .........anyone want a quick snog behind the bike sheds.....??
youl need to go to @brettski 's for a roast dinner... best carrots ever... roasted with honey and blackened a lil... i do a good roast carrot but brett takes the biscuit....