More like the growing culture of sitting on their arses watching some sort of screen. TV, car display, peloton, mobile phone, computer, ipad....etc etc......... ..........and then they buy fitbits because they think they will cure their fat arses.
I was bought a fitbit under the rehab code. My physio thought that I needed to be reminded to move. Hasn't helped my fat arse but does get pissy if I don't go to bed on time!
You forgot about those who either never got a license legitimately (or at all), and those who drive on foreign licenses (e.g. Americans in left hand drive cars near Air Force bases), and those high on coke and or skunk, and those on mobile phones.....
What is yellow weather? I can only think it means that bloody horrible smoke that coal fires used to chuck out.
Compulsory winter tyres for vehicles used in the shitty months would be a step forward and in line with other countries with similar winter conditions. Half of the problems are blocked roads due to wheel spinning or abandoned cars. Full snow coverage used to add approx 15 mins to my normal 75 minute commute, while I lived in scandinavia. The UK is comical by comparison.
Most drivers these days just think if the car has four round black thingys at each corner that's alright then....... .......they wouldn't know a worn one, a flat one or a winter one from a liquorice allsort.
Sweden would give start and end dates for the period. This would then be qualified with a statement along the lines of "if you are out in inappropriate weather within these dates without the correct tyres, you are subject to prosecution". In other words, if you ain't changed the tyres, leave car at home those days.
It's not helped by the Nanny State media who insist on touting life as insurmountable in the face of arduous weather and who perpetually advocate that we should only venture out "if it's absolutely necessary". If some of you can hark back to the early sixties, I can certainly remember my own and several others' parents battling through 4-5 foot snowdrifts to get us to school, commute to work, buy any necessary food, provisions or just carrying on with life as best as they normally would. A spell of heavy snow and/or inclement conditions wouldn't bring the nation to it's knees as it seems to in recent years. Since we aren't subject to such conditions (such as the "Beast from the East") on a regular basis, it perhaps safe to assume that there is little appetite in investing in any infrastructure to tackle the problem or public education to teach the general populous how to simply get on with it (as opposed to scaremongering), be that the mandatory use/or carriage of snow chains, winter tyres or a better arsenal of equipment available to local authorities, to combat the prevailing conditions. It's comical when you see how European countries cope with such weather, in comparison to the crisis management approach that the UK are overly dependent on.
As he says⬆️, lived in Luxembourg for a while, everyone had winter tyres compulsory and snow chains , a foot of snow in a night is not unusual , don’t be 5 minutes late for work because you have no excuse, schools never close either.
Given that we live on a mostly temperate and damp island that may get a few inches of snow a couple of times per year, wouldn’t it be better to spend the money on pothole repairs to improve the journeys on the other 235 days of commuting?
Few weeks ago, a skif of snow, rads were ecause of gritting, I was behind a girl and instead of speeding up the slip road to pull into the dual carriageway, she pulled out at 20mph in front of traffic doing around 60mph, stupidly, I pulled out behind her expecting her to accelerate, nope she stayed at 20mph. I was so close to getting rear ended by an hgv who wasn't overly pleased. Ffs if you can't drive get off the roads please
Terrifying terrified drivers should not be on the road. They seem to think by moving at snails pace they are safe, once they do end up behind other traffic they probably are only inches away too. Then they wonder how they rear end another driver... Certainly some driver education is required. The number of drivers that try to get up a bank without building up some (safe) speed to get a run at them is unreal. Then see how close they are to each other on the descent! Nanny state probably should step in and impose winter tyre regulations in the absence of any common sense or ability. Low profile tyres fitted to many cars, frequently standard fitment just for styling, don't help grip either.
I have for many years believed that anyone who wants to drive a four wheel vehicle should first ride a motorised two wheel vehicle for at least six months.