Hi People so after starting riding bikes in 76 ive finally got a Ducati , a 848 streetfighter and already I need help lololl ive just got a very nice carbon fibre ignition surround but I noticed the old plastic one didn't fit too well ,like the ignition barrel was right at the back and the gap around the lock isn't constant at all ,tight at the back and loads of room at the front . any body encountered this problem ? is it just a case off adjustment ,doesn't look like it can go forward much as its close to the cam on the yokes really appreciate if any body could help cheers jerry
Thanks , I wouldn't think it couldnt swell that much , perhaps in the sun in the height of summer ,think I will have to have a good dig around at weekend , everything fits around tank ok so I wouldn't have thought the tanks in the wrong position if that's possible ?
Tank swelling is common, caused by Ducati using a Hygroscopic Polymer along with the introduction of Ethanol in Fuel (which draws in moisture and separates in the tank). As I say, it could be partially down to fit/build quality from new, but I guess it will mainly be swelling that caused the issue...
Hi and welcome to the Ducati forum great looking bike you have there but we need pictures of your bins
Hi and welcome - will be down to swelling my 1098 is a nightmare Mrs 848 thankfully hasn’t done it yet