I'm getting bufeting when using my puig tall ish screen does anyone make side pods or aditions to the screen that stop this ?
I've got three screens now for my 1200 Enduro, standard, Duc touring, and Puig 'racing' screen. Using them all with DIY screen spacers, the small Puig actually seems to be the best. Standard and touring screens are both OK though the touring screen is visually too large for the aesthetic of the bike ... I don't really get buffeting with any of them but then the Enduro has a much bigger front than the standard Multi of course. Just adding my thoughts into the mix.
Spacers change the angle slightly so may help. In my case they didn't so i made my own. Tried four screens so far, best is the pikes peak with my own custom spacers.
Try taking the screen of then go for a ride, lots of wind on the body but no buffeting, the screen against your head height is the issue. I cut my original screen down a couple of times before I decided, a puig sport screen, lovely. What bike do you have
Try a Wunderlich deflector, or this cheaper version. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Adjustab...-Wind-Fit-BMW-KTM-Aprilia-Ducati/133240904985 It’s not the most attractive option but good on long runs on motorways, and you can take it off when you get to the windy roads
I found the std screen to be the worst of the three screens I tried. Spend the money on the Givi touring screen it is way better than stock. The clip on top thing does nothing to solve buffeting issues which seem to be from the side and it is hard to imagine any clipons fitting there without fouling the bars.
Sorry but I’ve used the clip on top (as you call it) for 5 years on various European tours and with careful adjustment you can remove almost all the buffeting and wind roar... But different things work for different people
There are loads of threads on here on screen modifications. I cut one down as short as possible and this worked best but no rain protection. Which is pretty useless when you are on a 3k mile tour. Last year I added the Puig tour screen with the deflector and iconic spacers. This worked really well and I could ride at up to 70 mph with my visor open. I have just added the Palmer Products spacer/screen adjuster and expect this to be perfect with the Puig tour screen. Yet to try it out on a decent run though. Experimentation is your best bet.
I also run a Triumph Tiger 800, and used to get a bit of side buffeting ; fitted some winglets to the base of the screen and this all but eliminated it.. But on the 950 multi, there is no room to fit any similar winglets as the bars pretty much hit the screen as is. I have fitted a puig screen on spacers and an MRA spoiler on top, about as best as I have achieved, though there is still some side buffeting. I look on this as a benefit in warmer weather bringing a little cooling air to the body vents.. which I have found lacking on my Tiger.. Swings and roundabouts as it were.....