Already posted within this thread
Passed a group of about 30 last weekend and as I passed by on my bike they were all spitting one nearly got my leathers...!
The amount of crashes at that corner is fikin scary. Suppose thats what happens when you design a road with corners in america!! Surprised non of the bikers who have crashed there have sued because of pesky corners being put on their lovely straight roads
As a cyclist and a motorcyclist myself, that's horrible. I don't ride on the road on a pedal cycle for just that reason, I stick to trails and cycleways. The motorcyclist need to be shot with s**t I'm afraid
What was the guy doing in the gutter...cant remember seeing as poor obs since while being destracted by a short skirt and tight top I went in the back of a car...and that was 1988
So it's suddenly illegal now to go barreling into cyclists? Next you'll be telling me we're not allowed to nudge them into hedges and such. Bah. I don't believe that for one minute.
I tell you what, if I were a cyclist I'd be avoiding that road like the plague. Full of fools showing just how foolish they are. As the blurb says, people all all skill levels come to practice. Just what I wouldn't need - people practicing on me.
Looks to me that he was starting to run out of road anyway , he nearly had his helmet in that guys arse.