1199 Throttle Issues?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Sašo, Feb 29, 2020.

  1. Experienced a interesting error on my 1199 Panigale.
    The bike turns on and starts...the engine error appears and the engine lite turns on. Bike runs ok but when you twist the throttle nothing happens checked the cables and every thing looks ok?
    Anybody have any idea what could be wrong or where to start looking for the problem?
  2. check the loom connector at the BBS unit for moisture, and also the MAP sensors on the left side, did you just wash the bike?
  3. also try unpluging the QS and see if there is a difference
  4. Thanks. Will try. The bike wasn’t washed. But was taken apart for spark plug replacement and oil change. Since then was running ok for some 100miles, then it started doing thiis. First in the middle of riding, but after ignition key turned off an on again it worked. Now it’s doing this from the start.
  5. also has there been any issue with the gear shown on the display? jumping 2-3rd etc as the gear sensor can also create issues
  6. No. Gears where displayed normally and correct.
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  7. Found the problem

    Last week I was changing the starter motor and spark plugs, and when I put back the radiator I forgot to pay attention to the routing of the RapidBike main cable. The cable fell under, where the exhaust pipe is...It melted the cable and that was a result of the bike problems.

    Fixed the cable and everything is OK again.

    Thanks for the help

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