1260 Uk Multi Meet-up

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. Hello guys, anyone from Central London here?

    It would be 160 miles to Doms Bike Stop from London - anyone up to riding there together?
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  2. I’m on a trip at the end of June but I’ll try and make the 14th available. I’m in Essex
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  3. To be honest it doesn’t really make any difference if he gives us a free refill or not, (but would be nice) his location is ideal, plenty of safe parking and excellent natural surroundings. He doesn’t do a bad brekkie either..
    And of course some very near fab roads
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  4. If my new-to-me multi is ready and with me by June (!) I will be up for the 14th.

    last time I set out for doms for breakfast I didn’t get home for a week thanks to a big off, and chance meeting between me and a streetlight....so it would be nice to finally get there.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Sounds like a plan .....
  6. Oh that's a shame I'm at a Biking Weekend up in Thirsk on the 14th June so I'm not going to be able to make it.
    Oh well maybe nextime.

  7. Maybe make the 27th 28th over Hawes/Masham way.
  8. Hey guys i'm late to this thread - but game for the UK meetup! Can the OP kinda summarise what the plan is then? Will get it added to the calendar.
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  9. S
    that sounds like a plan. Where in London are you (ish) I’m in Eltham in the south east.
  10. I don’t live in central London but Reading J12 M4...I can Join anywhere if that’s :thinkingface:ok
  11. Hawes is good for me. I’ll be setting off mid day Saturday. Be there mid afternoon.
    Has a campsite been agreed?
  12. Corona nonsense permitting that sounds like a great idea.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I will be wearing mask,helmet and gloves also will take a roll of toilet paper with me :joy:... However i hope this will be not cancelled ..
  14. Is this an overnight camping trip? If yes then I’m in. ⛺️
  15. The big question will be can it go ahead?
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  16. I'd be keen... if no one minds a relative newbie / lurker tagging along. COVID-19 permitting, obvs. I'd be riding up from SE London so happy to join anyone from down that way.
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  17. Keep your fingers crossed.
    I’m only guessing!!
    There is a small chance that a carefully arranged meeting, at distance, could become possible.
    I think we will know when Boris tells us on Sunday what’s ok and what isn’t.

    Don't Take risks. It’s not ok yet. Anyone going out for a quick ride is an absolute numpty.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  18. I'm not too far from there, I will keep you posted if I can make it :upyeah:
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