Saw .... ANY 1 near Marlow a couple of years back. Now that's the antithesis of 'personalised' I've got a couple (don't see why not? It's just a bit of fun)..... JH08NOB ('cos I'm Jonnybiscuit)....and BC62DOG ('cos I love my Border Collies.....and my Disco's a 62 plate anyway). Both were from DVLA and cheapest they do. Just been looking at CO11Y HO ....Hmmmm?? Mebe ?? ..........................Nah
I let one go on my 1200 Kawasaki earlier this year. t200KAW. There wasn't a whole lotta point sticking it on my Multi really I have another number on retention, been on retention for years cos when I buy a new bike/car, I always forget to reassign it. When I DO remember, the motor is then already insured so there would be a fee to change the policy...decreasing circles
I have S 81RDS its my name , my daughter has the same initial so she's quite keen to take it off my hands. Steve