Building a mental picture.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Birdie, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. MattMccabeBrown gets his insurance renewal dwight_crying.jpg

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  2. XB12R's first track day on his fucked 999 audubon-pic.jpg

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  3. Way, way, way too much hair...
  4. (Just for Figaro)MattMccabeBrown gets a better insurance price 7699996__278615c.jpg

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  5. That's the man, officer!
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  6. Time for me to get a new Avatar then :biggrin:
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  7. Lucazade en-route to the shooting range WTF-fail-3.jpg

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  8. Found another one of nogaromill999 wtf_o_594893[1].jpg

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  9. I didn't realise he was so muscly...
  10. Freshage fat_biker_1.jpg

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  11. He used to be slimmer when he smoked!
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  12. How much do you wanna bet that those knee sliders have never slid!
  13. I bet he's got the bellypan down though...
  14. It's a good job he's got a double-bubble screen though...............

    helps with the aerodynamics!
  15. i hope i sound well hung...i think i must do, because when i met some of you during the ducatisti days i saw someone nod in my direction and mutter something to his mate..i couldnt catch it all, but he definately said 'big prick'...
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  16. that blonde is obviously a birds got legs and an ass that tight..
  17. My C's photos have provided the best laugh on here for ages!

    Dammit. Should have kept my mouth shut and stayed under my rock. I can only guess what's coming up now.
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