Hi everyone. I’m new here I ride a.....well I did ride a 2011 Ducati 848. Blew the engine yesterday so now I’m searching everywhere to find a new heart for my pride and joy
I was gonna see if I could help you out until I saw that profile pic. Sorry, HATE what guns like that are doing to our people.
Ya I don’t know either if I was dogging the shut out of it I could understand but I never get it over 8k rpm
I’m carrying a gun in my profile pic because I’m was a soldier and that photo was taken in Afghanistan when I was defending the Afghan police station that was attacked by terrorists. But sorry if my defending people offended you
Keep calm and carry on chaps. We are mostly British here, very reserved lot, stiff upper lip and all that. Even me whose 1/2 British, 1/2 Irish and (heaven forbid) 1/2 Welsh, is a bit reserved. I love guns, and all sorts of pyrotechnics and all the toys you get to play with in the forces but we don’t dress like Rambo and it’s not guns that kill people but maladjusted individuals (forces in a war situation aside) with guns that kill people. Peace & love peeps, Coronavirus is the enemy, not each other. Troy, fair play to you having done a tour in Afghanistan.
Ah shit, screwed up dude. Click on my profile pic and you'll see we're bro's. Thought yours was a civ posing at first glance - if I can help out with the 848 I will. Not a bad lot around here, except for @Robarano who is what the frogs would call a mere poseur.
Welcome aboard sorry to hear about your engine blow up and nice to see some pictures of your beloved Ducati but it is the forum law to show us some pictures of your trash cans