Hello all, Bit of help needed ive just got my hands on a 749 bip 2006 bike.. problem when acceleration hard all seems fine then roll off the throttle and back on the throttle and nothing power gone .. No lights con the instrament panel when this happens... if you engage the clutch the bike would stall but if you leave it in gear and wait about 3 seconds it come back ... any thoughts.... # thanks in advance verney
Welcome to the Forum Verney How old's the bike? When was it last serviced? Specifically the fuel filter changed. I'm thinking fuel starvation here but someone else will be along shortly with other questions and possible solutions. ps. It would be a good idea to introduce yourself in the Newbie's section as well.
hi its a 2006 bike bip .. ok will have a check of the fuel filter .. and thanks i will go introduce my self now ... thanks
Check service records if you have them coz to check the filter you’ve gotta dismantle the tank. Also, how many miles? Was it stored unused for a longtime?
Hi .. thanks for your help.. so very low miles 2200... and yes been stored for long time ... no record of fuel filter change ... What are you thinking All the best Vern
I’d start with a full service including but not limited to (before I get pulled up for it) oil change, coolant drain, flush, refill, new oil, air & fuel filters, drain the tank, check it’s not rusting inside, and put in fresh fuel, new plugs, new cambelts, then road test again. Does it only cut out and restart when riding it? If you took the engine almost to the redline in neutral would it rev cleanly?
A bit obtuse there @andyb ...? Clearly the filter can be partially blocked (as they do) and give enough fuel for normally running and not enough when giving it legs... How about welcoming the newbie?
So .. I've done the following New belts and pullies New plugs Engine oil flush and new oil and filter Air filters cleaned Fuel drained ... Not taken the fuel filter out... .. tank off next I guess and check filter....
ive mentioned it on her a few times but what about fuses? my 748 had similar symptoms and it took an age to sort out but it turned out to be a fuse that i had checked many times but didnt notice the smallest of breaks in the wire... just enough that it would run ok then in random situations cut out completely then fire up again... it was confusing as i was trying to think what i was doing exactly before it happened and it always seemed to be when accelerating, so i put it down to fueling... turns out after months of pain it was a 50p fuse....
Not really, So it will accelerate hard and all seems fine, ie it gets fuel under the major demand of hard acceleration! yet shut the throttle under low demand of fuel and it cuts out... thats why i dont think its fuel filter!....that said should be changed as part of a service! the bit that needs expanding on for me from the original explanation is about the dash lights, do they all go out? nothing? no red ignition light on when it has stalled? if this is the case i would say wiring of some description or bad earth.
I read this as meaning no warning lights lit up on the dash when the engine cut out. Maybe my interpretation is wrong ? @verney wood over to you to expand on.
that was my gig.... proper pita... next time i will check em under a magnifying glass! so much time wasted for such a small problem.. cant even blame ducati for it!
The other part on the fuses, as well as checking the fuse, check the fuse receptor. It's not unknown for a small amount of furring within the fuse receptors to sometimes block the circuit so a torch and a bit of patience is worth it even if it is just to tick it off the list