Like a lot of integral garages, a third of mine has been turned into a utility room, I did lay down the law with SWMBO and drew a line across the garage floor, no domestic appliances beyond this point!
I like these, with a half sheet of 28mm hardwood ply on top: You can space the legs to fit the storage you want.
youd want a couple of lengths of timber under the ply though to stop it bending and make it solid enough to work on.. and diagonal bracing to the legs... with that in mind, you might just as well build the lot out of timber!
I’d get a kitchen worktop or similar. I’ve watched some neat videos on your\tune of those with skill and knowledge making tops from 4x2. Think it’s beyond my hammer and nail skills
ply is fine but as i say, you need some timber to take the flex out especially if you plan on bolting a vice to it and doing any hammering. and diagonal bracing off at least one leg!
Under my vice I’ve got a half sheet of 19mm ply on three scaffold boards. Bolting the legs to the garage wall provides sway stability.
Ahh interesting thread, this will be me over the Easter break, taking some time off to extend my garage, and finish off the inside as was never finished off when originally built. I also am not looking forward to sanding the joints.