Swiss Tour, Space Remining - 17th To 28th June

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Bumpkin, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Firstly some disclosure: I’m involved in organising this along with my 1260 Enduro riding mate and IAM observer Dave.

    Tour departs on 17th of June, returns on the 28th. All accommodation in decent 3 or 4 star hotels, many with half board. Where we’re in a town with decent restaurants we’ve not provided an evening meal, instead you can choose where to eat.

    Route goes something like this: Home > Ashford > Channel Tunnel > Sedan > Colmar (2 nights) > Ulrichen, Switzerland (4 nights) > Epinal > Reims > Montreuil sur Mer > Channel Tunnel > Home

    We have three rooms remaining out of 12, these are twins so suitable for solo riders willing to share or couples.

    For further information have a look at the PDF here.

    If you’re interested contact Dave on the number or email at the end of the PDF, or PM me here.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. After watching 44teeth I’m staying we’ll clear of Switzerland, I couldn’t afford the fine Von Grumble paid. Have a nice tour though.
  3. For those of us who find a 45 min video for 2 min of actual entertainment tedious, what was the fine?
  4. thought I would explore as you didn't spell it out D.S. - 144 kph in an 80 kph = just over £3.1 K and a 3 month driving ban (in Switzerland).
    • WTF WTF x 1
  5. Sorry peeps but I’d already watched it through once I don’t do repeats. I’m sure whilst riding with the IAM you won’t be exceeding the speed limits by that kind of amount.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  6. seeing the fine size is the best deterrent for me! and that was equiv 90 mph - 2 km more was bike confiscation apparently - would be interesting to know the whole list if speed higher still.
  7. A long stretch cutting holes in Cheese?
    #7 DucatiScud, Mar 12, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2020
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. :joy: Andy
  9. That's pretty eye-watering. Yes, had previously seen the 44 Teeth video. Certainly whilst in CH riding will be very sensible.

    Have been before in 2011 and managed to avoid getting fined, they've maybe ramped up the desire to prosecute since then.
    #9 Bumpkin, Mar 12, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2020
  10. One thing they are good at, speed traps in the middle of nowhere. They dont like singing in the pubs either...kill joyso_O:beer:
  11. Only ever been once and that was for cycling, I’ll probably never go back. You can get some good speed on a push Iron downhill.
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