British Gas Rip Off

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wayne58, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. And of course the smart meters are brainwashing you, spying on you and giving you cancer and stuff allegedly :bucktooth::D
  2. The smart meter thing is something to do with customer ratings.
    The regulator won't let you use smart meters (as a supplier) until you reach a certain number or percentage of good reviews.
    I suppose it's cheaper to administer, so its a carrot for the regulator.
    It looks like all the newbie suppliers can't do Economy 7 or Smart Meters, I think.

    Are you sure about the cancer and spying?
    I thought it was all Brexit's fault....:eyes:

    And I moved away from Scottish Power..... just didn't like the name.... :astonished: :D :eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Er, you forgot where your social credit score drops so they restrict your access to gas and electricity until you start conforming again.

    I shouldn't have to explain this stuff!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Racist :bucktooth:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  5. I get your drift, I keep thinking fin is writing to me in case he missed anything on here about indi, everytime I get a letter from sse
  6. *Moved to a more appropriate forum before elasticated trousers did it.
    Got no help from him anyway, just abuse.

    Anyone here had any luck getting money back from an old energy supplier?
    Over two months now.... nearly three.... and they kept taking money even after I left.
    At least my complaining stopped them taking February's direct debit.

    Latest Communications:

    Dear Sir / Madam,
    Thank you for your recent e-mail.

    I can see that you are contacting us regarding the issue you have faced in regards to the meter readings. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by this matter. On reviewing your account I can see that your account is already escalated to our specialist team and they are currently working on your account. I can assure you that concern team will contact you at the earliest to provide further assistance regarding the matter.

    Kind regards
    Vi***** Mis****
    Customer Services Representative
    Scottish Power

    -----Original Message-----
    From: AirCon
    Date: 07.02.2020 07:44:35
    To: ***
    Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: ScottishPower energy account 160********0.

    Dear Prat****h,
    energy account 160********0.

    Please can you provide details of your complaints procedures, as I wish to escalate this.

    It would appear that at some point your appointed meter reading service took a rate 2 (night) reading as a rate 1 reading (day). Surely your system would have detected that it was impossible to use over 25,000 units in such a short time between visits?

    Personally I've sent at least five rate 1 and rate 2 readings in that time and each time the rate 1 reading has been ignored.

    Further Morrison Data services collected a meter reading on the 3rd January 2020, so you have all the data you require to process the refund.
    It is my understanding that both utility companies submit the readings and he regulator agrees a date and reading average. New and old bills are calculated on that data.

    In my case the regulator issued the appropriate documentation for the switch; so there is no reason to further delay the return of my money.

    Please can you provide details of your complaints procedures, as I wish to escalate this.

    Kind regards

    • Love You Love You x 1
  7. OK,
    Just a quick update, after numerous calls I eventually had a "telephone interview complaint review" at 08:34 this morning.
    My account was "blocked" back in 2017. We cannot tell you why. We have now re-invoiced all the bills from 2017 (from when I switched from British Gas).
    Today I received two bills covering 2019 to January 2020 and two seperate credit notes.
    I've been told I'll receive a cheque for the amounts within 14 working days. I've asked for them to be credited to the account they have been taking direct debits from and they cannot refund to this
    as the amount is too high. I've explained that 14 working days is too long and that going to the bank would take about 90 minutes out of my day.
    Hard luck.... thanks Scottish Power.......

    Good luck and don't give up anyone else who has to go through this.
  8. Refund received via BACS today.
    .... exactly 14 business days after the complaint was agreed/satisfied.
    THIS being the longest they are allowed to take to arrange the refund.

    Anyone would think that they were based in Yorkshire rather than Scotland.

    Pity there's not a decent Ducati for sale on here before SWMBO sees the money in the joint account :mad: :eyes::eyes::eyes:
  9. Just blow it on hookers and coke, she'll never know :astonished:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Errr... yes she will.....
    And I'd only need about 6 mins and £40 for that around here - it's cheaper than Weed.
    For the record I've never snorted a thing.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. IME they are all c**,s! Iwas with the Co-Op but they sold the business to Octopus. No idea if they are competitive or not ‍♂️ We are going through a weird stage with power - a bit like petrol. My gas supply only does one thing - heat the water. My boiler is dodgy and needs replacing. You can't install gas boilers in commercial property now and it will be the same for domestic property in 5 years. I asked the gas guy about just replacing the gas boiler with an electric one. He put the phone down on me. Hard enough to sort it out without having to sieve out the dinosaurs!
  12. As much as I wish that was true (see bold)
    *Just confirmed with a gas engineer here in London... He does all our commercial work.

    The rule on domestic's is for "new" properties from 2025 and everyone in-trade is PSML about that. It just cannot happen.... there isn't the infrastructure or capacity in the grid.
    #92 AirCon, Mar 13, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2020
  13. Correct! I wasn't clear. It is for NEW properties.
  14. Today, you can install Gas heating in a New Commercial property... Agreed?
    You can even have a real flame feature outside .... showing everyone how in tune you are with the environment.
  15. No you can't. My family owns a property company in London. My brother oversaw the rebuilding of one of the properties - it was so ground up that it may of been considered a new property. The top floor has been taken by a health stdio who needed showers. No gas was allowed for the heating or showers. This is documented somewhere -which I have seen. I will try to find the link.

    So, for commercial property, you cannot fit gas now. For domestic. it is 2025.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. You know your picture above agrees with me?

    Nope... we put some in just the other day... in London.
    Your case may be something about the change of use for that building or multiple occupancy.... shared commercial and domestic.... I'd need to see the whole story.
    You can, today, build a commercial property in London and install Gas for heating. I edited my post after I spoke to our commercial heating guy in case anything had changed.

    Please note I'm trying to help you.

    Given what you have said so far.
    Get an Air (to water) Sourced Heat pump installed on the roof (planning permission required), with two hot water tanks. In the second stage us commercial grade immersions in the hot water tank.
    The Air to Water heat pump will take the water from 8°C to +35ºC and then the second stage tank will heat it to 55°C... every week the system will heat the water to +70°C to kill off any legionella.
    If you aren't paying the bills for the electric in the club just fit direct electric boilers.
    #97 AirCon, Mar 13, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2020
  18. I am trying to find the definitive doc now but I just lost my internet connection. There is much denial in the gas industry but it is definitely the case that you cannot fit gas in new commercial property now - and for new domestic property from 2025.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. [​IMG]
    #99 AirCon, Mar 13, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2020
  20. I'm losing my internet every 20 mins (thank you EE) I will find what I am looking for and post it later... honest!!!!
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