that a 19inche front wheel??????
It’s an interesting picture. It certainly appears to be the V4 engine, but I don’t get the 19" front wheel, the swing arm or the trellis subframe. I’m assuming this is an early mule test bike, checking things like wheelbase. The swing arm and the cover in the middle section might be some sort of adjuster. Who knows? I’m assuming the front wheel is geared towards the Enduro version, albeit cast that would change to spokes on the production version. Interesting stuff.
Presumably the V4 Multistrada will eventually be offered in ordinary, "S", and Enduro versions, so the factory must be testing prototypes for each variant. Except that just at the moment the factory is closed down, so probably not right now ...
Narrower tires, trellis rear frame and looks small. Even the front suspension has limited travel ( compared to a 1260) 950 type rear suspension. Perhaps this isn’t a 1260 replacement, it might be a 950 v4
At a guess that swing arm is so they can play around with the pivot point of the shock on the swing arm?