Well those who could be bothered did. The question has to be asked ... Why isn't Labour doing better ?
Cos the only labour workforce we have in Britain now isn't even English and got given most of we have to work for. I f***in hate government!
Are you saying the next General Election Campaign should be held in Polish or other language? I'd vote for a Danish one... or Double Dutch!
It amuses and annoys me at the same time...........There are all these pricks from Tory, Labour and Liberal parties trying to justify their position and what they are still going to do while at the same time being patronising to UKIP........ ........they just don't get it at all...........WE (I SAY 'WE' IN GENERAL TERMS) ARE F-ING SICK OF THEM. AL
As there ever been a govt or main party many aren't sick of? Do people think we would be better of being governed by UKIP?
Anythings got to be an improvement on the back peddling moron I'n charge now ..or sorry two back peddling morons . No balls .. You could do a whole new " spitting image" on them! Mind you labour messed up as well. They all break promisses
It's worth noting that UKIP didn't take a single seat from Labour and they now control more councils than at any time since 2002. Also if you trust opinion polls they are already popular enough to form a majority government.
We'll end up as nazi Britain by accident if it carries on. F-ing UKIP. Biggots, racists, and poor policy based on Daily Mail mentalities.
That's what I was thinking. They are essentially the political wing of the Daily Mail. There's the same outrage, laughable oversimplification, lack of any depth of thought. As for Farage, it's OK that he's a prole but not OK that he's trying to convince you that he's some sort of gent with his chalk striped suits and dodgy toff coats. He looks like a pantomime con man.
Farage is as much of a toff as Cameron, Osborn and the multi millionaire Milliband. He is the son of a stockbroker, went to Dulwich College and then on to work in the city as a commodity broker. Their policies probably don't stand up to close scrutiny but their principles are clear and resonate with an increasing number of voters. To dismiss them as the Political Wing of the Daily Mail is, in itself, an oversimplification.
I do hope that the leading political parties take note of the amount of votes UKIP got.In the hopes perhaps that they can get their policies and decision making right and get this country on some sort of course forward.However I will not be holding my breath as I have no confidence in any of our so called leaders and their apparent inablity to make any sort of decision,right or wrong,on anything. But then again being a miserable old git what do I know.
A recent poll clearly showed that the majority of the electorate hold Labour largely responsible for the economic mess the UK is in. Also at a time when debt is growing the idea that you solve that problem by increasing borrowing now to stimulate the economy and reduce the deficit late just doesn't resonate. The coalition isn't popular but that unpopularity isn't translating into the electorate moving back to Labour in any significant numbers. The next general election will be interesting.
The main parties are fighting over the central ground, the voters are increasingly seeing them as unprincipled and motivated principally by power. They are caught between a rock and a hard place of their core voters and that middle ground. They need both to win but can't satisfy both at the same time.
Indeed the people have spoken, and in the shires where this week's elections took place what they said was: Conservatives 1116 Labour 538 LibDems 352 UKIP 147.
What I fail to understand in this day and age is that politics is still generally viewed in black and white. One party rule, ahem, generally. Coalition in its purest sense is the only way to go. Grown-ups making the right decisions based on the general good rather than the popular good. If you had a balanced parliament with an equal representation of the main parties, throw in an equal balance of Ukip (eek) and green party members, and sort this shit out. Shame it'll never happen. I'm sick of this same old, same old, blame game, they're all a corrupt bunch of swine. Politicians should be seen in the natural history museum along with the dinosaurs.
But ... but ... that would mean that the current hysteria over the UKIP charging into power is nothing but a bunch of panic willy-waving! Those figures represent barely blip in the status quo. Can't be right.