Torque Settings For Flywheel Bolts

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by comfysofa, Mar 11, 2020.

  1. As above i just want to be sure (but not) im reading torque settings for attaching the flywheel with the 8 bolts to the starter sprag mechanism behind it as 13nm?? seems really light based on the fact i nearly burst a blood vesel getting each one of them out (and fucking one up) - unless they were in too tight in the first place of course....
    Flywheel.JPG Flywheel2.JPG

    Cheers to anyone that chips in...
  2. Im assuming of course that this is reasonably generic across a variety of models...
  3. I guess they are loctited, that would explain problem removing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. What material are the bolts going into?

    M6 bolts into alloy, 13nm sounds plausible to me, and I'm guess LOCK 5 refers to the grade of thread lock to use?
  5. Yep 13Nm and loctited in. Did my 1098R ones recently and you're right getting them out was a real pain!
  6. 13Nm is right. Loctite as well. If you knackered one up, make sure you use oem to replace or ensure you use hi tensile. Normal 8.8 could strip under 13Nm as they’re only M6
  7. Looks like your new screws have loctite already applied.
  8. Yip - they do....well, if its 13nm then id guess the ones that came out were in excess of 30nm (just a guess) but fuck me they were in there tight....cheers lads.
  9. Ironically last night i did find some 10's on ebay for a couple of and learn....
  10. Gents - just to continue from this (just about to head into the garage to start re-assembly) - torquing up the flywheel bolt...ive not looked at the torque value but, im guessing its going to be high....ive got a "normal" torque wrench...any advice on how to get it tightened up?
  11. In the assembling..... the old bolts were definately way tighter than whats gone back on...anyway....digressing....the sprag clutch assembly: does this locator assembly on the flywheel mean anything ( i cant find anything n the service manual - im assuming it lines up with the marker on the crank.... )
  12. Groove on the end of the crank isnt for anything afaik, just line up the dot on the flywheel with the key way.
    The nut needs to be f*ggin tight, I bought a new torque wrench specifically for this job. If you have a standard flywheel then holding tools are available, as mine is lightened I used a lorry oil filter strap. I would also reccomend a new lock nut ( there are better aftermarket ones available), and the correct locking compound.
    There are threads on here about alternator nuts, you really dont want it coming loose.
    Dont ask me how I know....
    #12 ducv2, Mar 14, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2020
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  13. 330Nm if I remember correctly. Effin tight.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Hmm - well, just found i need a flywheel holding tool so just ordered that....not sure my wrench goes up that high...its not got an amazingly long arm so i guess i could put a bit of scaffold bar on the end to give me a bit more leverage...?
  15. You will get the leverage, but if the torque wrench scale doesn't go far enough you will not know if you have reached the correct setting.
  16. Bleedin' hell that's tight!
  17. Reading this, I have a horrible feeling that I cannot remember putting threadlock on the 8 retaining bolts when I did my sprag early last year.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. The 1098R manual mentions to line up the notches, most likely feeds to/from the oil ways, might be something to do with balancing also:

    "Install the flywheel assembly (23) with the gear (21), aligning the notches as shown in the photo."

    Also, I have a torque wrench that goes upto 300Nm if you want to borrow it somehow. I got to 300 then pushed a little more and used plenty of threadlock. Also Nelly suggested to use a new nut, I think it has some clinch properties which mean that it can only be used once.
    #18 Sonic, Mar 17, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. I have 8 weeks enforced unpaid leave to take so will recheck my bolts...
  20. Can they do that?
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