You know when your getting old when you start looking at black and white photos and saying ( ay they were the days )
You know when you're getting older when the laundry lady gives you grief, and the 748 has got to go, because even at 69, head says yes.. bones & muscles say no!!!!!! GO!!! What do you mean 'go'????????
You know your getting old when you tell the kids to turn their rubbish music down or plug your ears in
You see a nice bird, Your eyes meet....she smiles or looks away then looks back again......... Then you realise that you could be her dad !!! And she is smiling at you because she's thinking arrrrrrrrr not mmmmmmmm
You take your teenage son out to buy him a new mobile phone and he and the girl in Carphone Warehouse spend half an hour flirting with each other at your expense in a language you barely recognise
smashing picture Birdie - were you Mungo Jerry in your spare time? ;-) Dick NOOOOO!! you can't get rid of your 748 - do you take Glucosamine/Chondroitin?
When you`ve posted twice in less than four hours about the f`ing weather, now where`s me pipe and slippers.
You know you are getting old, when some b*****d throws a switch just as you reach 45 and everything starts to fail.......... .......mind you, I always lay on the floor to watch TV.........but that is probably because I'm too tired to struggle upright. AL
We have wooden floors, only my 11 year old sits on the floor to watch TV, even the 12 year old prefers a chair. The floors feel lovely under foot, but absolute hell to the bones if you sit on it, but as the thread says, maybe that is just my age.
When you buy for comfort .... Comfy shoes , belly warmer pants , over the shoulder bolder holders , and start thinking the infomercials and QVC sell interesting and quality merchandise .. Sigh when I was young!!!!
Katie what was it ??? I got a betterware thinmy through and thought .... ohhhh I could do with that gadget!! It was for opening things as my hands are about 20 years older then I!