Seized 748.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by luckymarine, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. it's moved so for with a hammer and brace,so it should be ok,take it slow and do what steve said with the penetrating oil.go easy with the jack and have it as far down as you can on the wall....
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  2. Liking your ingenuity Lucky marine. Good luck, although I can see the wall moving first!
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  3. There were a number of threads on the old site about removing this bolt methods varied wildly but all succeeded in the end. The only difference was the amount of damage caused to the frame arm bolt etc.
    a while back I had to remove my engine 10 year old at the time undid the nut and guess what it just slid oout ow that's not very helpful to you but in all my research in preparation one guy used one of those hammer chisels with the spike attachment having tried everything else. If you aren't t to far away and you are still trying next Friday I will bring mine down or you could rent one from the local hire company
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  4. Thing is I had my whole swingarm changed 2 years ago by the local bike garage, so I didn't expect it to be so stuck!
  5. You have undone any pinch or other bolts havent you...

    ps can't remember if there are, its years since I did one, but mistake I often make
  6. No pinch bolts on the 748/916/996/998 family.

    Wish there was!
  7. Just noticed that you have been using a 4lb hammer. There really isn't sufficient 'Mass' with that. In all seriousness you need a larger hammer with more 'Mass' on such a job.

    Judicial use of a large sledgehammer would certainly be preferable and would provide the Mass you need

    F=M x A ( force=mass x acceleration)
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  8. I made up for it with acceleration....
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  9. I have read this thread with great interest.....just a thought, you're in Carlisle, have you thought of asking Moff, the mechanic at J & L in Carlisle how he would sort it, he's a good lad and knows his stuff,,,just a though mate and good luck with it....
  10. It was going to be a last resort kind of thing I know they're breaking a 916 or a 996 or something like that so I might be ok for parts if I break anything.
    Hopefully I'll get the swingarm bolt out today and then will probably drive the engine up there to split as it requires a few specialist tools.
  11. Mate your seriously under equipped with a 4lb hammer. Heres the easy way to get the motor out. Use the hydraulic jack to spread the frame about 4mm, then use a hacksaw to cut through the spindle which is accessible now next to the motor . Done this a couple of times, and there is no damage to the frame or the geometry.
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  12. [​IMG]
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  13. Now that sounds like a good plan, good luck!
  14. And now its raining....

    The jack is a 2 ton lift, and either its getting old its pants or the force required to shift the spindle is more than 2 tons as the jack oil is being forced past the seals. handle will pump but no movement.

    A friend has a 5 ton bottle jack so when it stops raining I will pop over and try it out...

    Machine mart do an 8 ton bottle jack for £20 and a 10 ton for £25, oh and its open till 4. Outstanding.

    I'd really like to try and get it free without bending/flexing things or sawing stuff. When I've exhausted every other method I'll go down the cutting route.
    #95 luckymarine, May 5, 2013
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
  15. I think considering how stubborn yours is Cranker is spot on - have done the same on a couple of 900SS frames and the distortion needed will spring right back where it was (as said). Use a nice new blade and it's all over in no time. Replacements turn up in good nick for around £10 -20, i'm not sure how much they are new.
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  16. Swiss Toni say's " Removing a seized swing arm pivot is like making love to a beautiful woman.

    First you get it in the mood, then you lubricate it, then you slide that jack in, nice and slowly"

    Seriously mate are you using the right profanities? It's not just enough to throw a few Fuck's in every now and again, you really need to unleash some serious stuff, Let rip mate!

    The Fast Show - Best of Swiss Toni - YouTube

    Crankers method seems the best way forward if Swiss Toni's method fails.
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  17. you may be right ^ needs a 'lump'/sledge hammer ideally but equally a good 'anvil' and you do risk damaging brickwork at this level..
  18. Italian curse words

    Have been shouting these in the street. Have had a few odd glances from dogwalkers and the like but a good old
    "figlio di puttana" helps alot.
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  19. Dont like to be the bearer of bad news but bottle jacks dont work on there side . rams that work on the side usually have a remote pump or are designed to work on their side .
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