Been improvising with formers for the next bit of the fuel tank - a bit of Land Rover plastic, some shaped MDF and a Ducati 999 fork leg - still a way off fitting but getting there, but now it is time for beer
A bit of social distancing this afternoon - rear panel fitting better and the R/H side curved infill is now tuned and fitted after much filing... L/H is next.
That gets tapped into place once the tacking starts, I left it for Creamy but you fell for it instead
No garden waste collections here until April, still a bin full of leaves in the bin and 2 on the floor as they also stop before the leaves drop: no gardening for 2 or 3 weeks yet here
I know it’s another one of those posts that distracts from your focal point/ cake making efforts, but why has that lady got such a grubby face and why does she look so anxious Here we go....
Today I was self isolating in my Van all the way to Hull, then I was self isolating in Chad's workshop maintaining a safe distance Just got in before the lock down so now I can progress the next stage
It took Leonardo da Vinci 7 years to fully complete the Mona Lisa, do you think you’ll be able to improve on that