People need to stop thinking they are entitled and start listening to what are now orders. All the footpaths around me a rammed with people. Even more than usual. It seems all the lazy bastards of the country have suddenly become health fanatics and are using the excuse of exercise to carry on trailing around wherever they want. The problem they all touch the gates and styles, hundreds of people daily. I even came across two people next to my house, obviously lost with map in hand. They had driven from miles away to go on a hike! FFS!!. Today I’m going to take control of the situation by locking all the gates and putting up signs stating the footpaths are closed around my farm. Strictly speaking I’m not allowed to do this but given the situation where no one is sticking to the rules I think it’s the only way to prevent me and my family from catching the virus from a bunch of selfish bastards. STAY THE FUCK AT HOME!!
It’s causing problems at work with people not listening. (All of my kids can listen at times albeit not at the same time) but people are not listening! The wife has been taken into hospital this morning as she is having problems with her breathing (she has underlying subglottic stenosis) if I find out she has caught covid 19 I will be fuming as she has done everything necessary to protect herself and as a result I can’t work even though as a key worker I need to.
thanks Everyone she is currently on a ward with all the nurses in hasmat suits. Got to wait to be assessed by a doctor then hopefully we will know more.
I commute on a motorbike. The roads are quiet. The sun is shining. Everything else is like waiting for a tidal wave, but I got the duke out at the weekend after the winter, and the commute is absolutely splendid.
I was in a carpark on the way to work early enough yesterday morning drinking a Gregg's coffee and sitting on my bike in the sun. A nondescript lad dressed ultra casually wandered over and said the bike was lovely, asked about it, then where I'd come from and where I was going. I answered fairly non commitally, just saying south and work. He said he was army. Several more civilian cars with similar lads started up for what was clearly something low key yet official. Dunno what, but wonder. The army should be out soon, if not already.
SAS That'll shit up the muppets that are out 'taking the air' BTW, my psychologists appointment has been cancelled, still there's no side effects, I'm perfectly normal
I have to get to work, and always commute by bike, so I'm doing nothing wrong, but it's fcuking magic at the moment. Was cruising on the motorway yesterday however, on the duke rather than the r1200r, glanced down, and was doing jail time speed. An empty motorway and a superbike give a very false sense of your speed
I'm sure when boris said you can exercise daily he didnt mean you could drive 2 hours to do so. Not got any spare bulls you could scatter round?
Yes Boris the bull funnily enough! Like the PM he’s a bit clumsy and unpredictable but he doesn’t have to wait for laws to be passed or mess about with diplomacy. He’s more than happy to break bones first and without question. Maybe my Boris should be at no.10
I hope she is ok People need to listen Stay in and we can hopefully get back out again sooner than 12 weeks
An old work colleague my Mrs is friends with on FB owns a KTM 1290 Adv. He posted today that he’s been bored shitless at home having stopped work as a builder so decided to put himself to some use and signed up as a volunteer, he’s now riding around delivering meds and other essentials to those most vulnerable. If I didn’t have to work I’d sign up to that.