Today I've Been Making Curries

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. Made this, this evening. :yum Very nice indeed.

    Another good YouTube channel from the author of the books I bought last week. :upyeah: He cooks the above recipe with Misty Ricardo too. :)

    Dan Toombs - The Curry Guy

    Screenshot 2020-03-18 at 20.25.00.png
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  2. I have been cooking curries for a long time, I'm going to try some proper mexican, got a few dishes under my belt but an now going for the full mole...I'll let you know.
    Just received a big box of dried chillies, cant wait.
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  3. Mny Thx for starting this thread. bhuna was a result recently and jalfrezi went down well tonight for the Mother’s Day dinner!
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  4. I made the mole, quite bizarre, it's quite odd on it's own, a thick chile sauce with a strong chocolate flavour, very complex but when you put it with tortillas, chicken and salad the dominance disappears and it adds a certain something to the dish.
    A good start into a new cuisine.
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  5. Can't beat a decent indian meal, the prawn ones to me always feel like they need that lemon to taste?
  6. Made a double portion of Chicken Chasni tonight. :)

    Plenty now in the freezer just in case. :confused:
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  7. On a mission this afternoon. :innocent:
    • Another batch of base gravy.
    • A double portion of Chicken Pasanda (Freezer)
    • A triple portion of Indian rice (2 for the freezer)
    • A lovely King Prawn Puri (for tea) :yum
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  8. F**k me you are so f&&king tidy and orderedo_O. You should see our kitchen when I’m cooking:astonished:.

    In fact Rob I’m going to take a photo of my ‘shed’ and post it so we can compare it with your garage:worried:, you’d better be sitting down.

    ps. Secretly I’m envious :relieved:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. don't be so taken in exi

    see the clock on the oven...16:55 but the post was at 18:12, would that mean his oven clock is wrong? ahaaaa :D:thinkingface:
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  10. yeah but yes but no but yes, I get my mise en place out and ready when at work (oh that seems so long ago now:() in order to deal with the orders in a timely fashion but at home:thinkingface:. At home I’ve only got one order to deal with, the meal there and then the stuff comes out the cupboard in the container it’s stored in, gets used and then the container gets left on the worktop - much to SWMBO’s dismay:(
  11. Just cooked a monkfish tail and spinach curry, wonderful combo.
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  12. Sorry, no evidence of the said meal, it's one to try.
    I do like beans on toast but not on a Saturday with time on my hands.
  13. How dare you! :mad:
  14. You're joking. :astonished: Look at those portions of base gravy, some of them are a couple of ml different to each other. o_O Thanks god the clocks go forward tonight, I'll not sleep a wink all night.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. He’s right Rob, the 2nd clip from the right is out of place, needs to go to its left a tado_O
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Why are the clips even there why don’t you use the other plug ? I’m struggling to cop with the amount of dirt that lurks behind
  17. I bet you wish you’d never posted that photo now :D.
  18. :astonished: Dirt !

    There is an intergrated freezer under the bench, hence the wire. I guess the builder did it and I can't say I've ever noticed the clip distance, some of you have proper OCD. :innocent:
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  19. You could drill a hole in the top and feed the cable through, just saying.
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  20. 8D934442-D139-4212-A87F-A566BF01B808.jpeg
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