Is it also true, the kiwi's collected everything poisonous on both the islands, put it on a boat and unloaded them on australias shore's and fecked off quick smart?
it just so happens that this weekend is the 700th anniversary of a particular event. i'm gonna exorcize my right to use the "Deposition clause" and say, listen queenie, the games a bogie. come on in, yer time's up.
1320 - Duke Wladyslaw Lokietek became King of Poland? Or, you may mean the Scots reaffirming their independence by signing the Declaration of Arbroath?
Watching a nice series on Netflix atm, filmed in NZ, something with lake in the title, watching the scenery there makes me wonder WTF are you doing over here, and the only corona they possible have, is the liquid one, think they had 1 fatality so far ........