Not Tarby...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, May 7, 2013.

  1. I'm just wondering how they are going to be able to prove any of this stuff.

    40 years ago is a long time to still find a jizz stain.
  2. unless the girl did a Lewinski? say that, but ive got a 20 yr old matress that reads like the bayeux looks a bit like a map of the earth/turin shroud hybrid.
    #3 funkyrimpler, May 7, 2013
    Last edited: May 7, 2013
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  3. it was a boy allegedly
  4. I was disgusted with the abysmal coverage. One red top said he was a comedian, and another said he was a Liverpudlian - filthy rags!
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  5. It will be Brucie next at this rate (allegedly)..........................good game.....hope you are all playing at home.....give us a twirl.......

    Now put the dress on.
  6. So who is on the perv list

    Gary Glitter
    Jizzom Saliva
    Stuart Hall
    Rolf Harris
    Jimmy Terdbuck
  7. Imagine if they find stuff on Noddy Holder or Roy Wood of Wizzard fame. It will change the sound of Christmas for ever
  8. Are you hanging up your stockings on the here it is.....
  9. then the other opening line is

    Are you ready children...........
  10. :eek:
  11. How does it take 40 or so years for some of these people to suddenly think 'Oh I was raped 40 years ago, better get a claim in'

    Not saying that all of them are trying it on but c'mon not saying anything for that length of time then all of a sudden they jump on the bandwagon.

    Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter, yes I can see them doing this but Jimmy Tarbuck, Max Clifford, have they just upset people years ago and this is a way of getting back at them, who knows.
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  12. It also begs the question, is this something typical of celebrity culture, or are celebs the tip of an iceberg? Is this sort of thing rife throughout society?

  13. Things get put in boxes in our mind with a nice secure lid on, never to be opened again. However certain triggers in life have a habit of blowing the lid off and we have to deal with it. Trust me when I say there is no pre determined time limit on it.
  14. I wish I had placed that bet I made in my head. I was going to put £50 on JT being nabbed but Wm Hill's didn't want to know.
  15. And when will the first famous motor racing out be ,and whom. :rolleyes:
  16. I suspect it's more to do with Celebs having everything offered on a plate and building a sense of entitlement which leads to some unpleasant behaviour when something is either not how they want it or doesn't go their way.

    Elton John has had some spectacular and well documented Hissy Fits, calling the Hotel manager to complain about the WInd blowing outside springs to mind. I know it's not on the same level but it shows the level of arrogance and expectation for the little people to jump to his whim that exists.
  17. Different situation though, the likes of the Yewtree suspects all had large followings amongst and access to the younger end of society whereas Motor Sport by the nature of the event tends to have older fans and be more distant from the stars.
  18. It probably was rife within society at that time. The celebrity culture and liberal attitudes to sex were both on the rise, so to speak. Take a look at the song lyrics of the time for illustration; 'Good morning little schoolgirl' ? Groupies were readily available and literally queuing up allegedly. Abuse of power has been a fact of life for all time.
  19. But can we entirely rely upon those memories ?

    Are we likely to reinterpret those memories through today's mores ?
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