Question For All You Road Cyclists Out There....................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. When you bought your road bikes do you get a free invincibility force field? Or an exemption certificate so that you don't have to conform with the rest of the population and therefore don't need to follow government advice and instruction?

    How come everyone else is subject to, and has to practice, "social distancing" yet you bunch of cnuts think it's ok to ride 2 or 3 astride with 12" between each of you? Not only are you being socially irresponsible but also you get in the way of other road user who may want to use the same stretch of road........and let's face it cars and motorbikes would have a greater claim to use the road seeing as they pay road tax for their vehicles yet you fucking retards don't pay a thing for your pushbikes!

    This morning on my way to the PO I saw three groups of such fucking idiots it really boiled my piss!

    Rant over!
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  2. yeah, you pieces of shit. El Torino is so right on this. I cant even ride my new Aprilia on my own. twats.
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  3. That’s because they adorn special sex pest skin tight Lycra.
    The theory is the public will be so repelled by the grotesque forms it creates that they will just stay away rather than trying to unsee it.
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  4. Very angry, rude post :yum I must go out on my pushbike to the post office :thinkingface::D
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  5. I really love it when they slow traffic down,when there is an empty cycle lane just to the left.Oh joy.
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  6. And....why do they always stop pedaling as soon as they hear you come up behind them in a car ???????
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  7. Oh don't start me again.

    Ba*/-+=s the lot of them.
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  8. I am a billy no mates lone cyclist. Does that mean I am also a cnut?
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  9. Yeah really Fooking pisses me off when they get in my way when I’m out for a drive at 12 mph on my tractor! Bunch of tw@ts!
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  10. I'm the same - Billy no mates lycra clad athelete (not) - kind of says I'm a cnut too :D
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  11. Don’t worry because After the "World Crash of '20", massive civil unrest and economic ruin occurs. The government is restructured into a totalitarian regime under martial law. To pacify the population, the government has created the Transcontinental Road Race, where a group of drivers race across the country in their high-powered cars, and which is infamous for violence, gore, and innocent pedestrians being struck and killed for bonus points.

    and cyclists will be worth 20 points each with a bonus 20 if you take out 3 in one pass :p
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  12. The main road into the industrial estate where I work(Normally) is very busy, lots of cars, Vans, lorries and Artics.

    For their safety the council has spent some of my taxes on building them a cyclepath alongside the busy road.

    Will the Fuc*/-s use it?

    No, they prefer to use the road, mixing in with the artics, restricting everyone to 10mph and shaking their fist as you overtake them when they are 3 feet from a nice safe cyclepath.

    Seriously, can one of the cnuts on here try to justify that to me.

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  13. So much hate when we should be coming together :D
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  14. Can't justify that, they are cnuts, I have seen cyclists occasionally using a duel carriageway next to a cycle path and I believe them to be cnuts in my experience as a cyclist :confused:
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  15. Have to admit that would irritate me.

    In favour of the OP
    1. Riding in a group isn't social distancing they should really be riding solo assuming they are not in a family group.
    2. In non apocalyptic conditions it's bad form (unless in a closed road race) to ride in groups bigger than 10 really - it's better to break the group into 6-8 for a number of reasons including allowing other road users to pass safely.
    3. shouldn't be 3 a stride, if other vehicles are around defo not.

    against the OP and others.
    1. roads are funded from general taxation - anyone who pays tax is funding the roads
    2. it is permissible to use the road, as it is for horses - they were there before cars. Most cycle lanes are in pretty poor condition for riding on if using a 'road bike' although the roads aren't much better..

    won't happen on here, but the couldn't get past argument usually comes from the same sort of people that pull onto a motorway at 45mph.

    being a cnut isn't limited to those doing a single activity - they are everywhere
    #17 MDUBZ, Apr 6, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
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  16. Number 3 - Shoiuld be in single file if any motor vehicles are in the vicinity - absolutely no excuse for not being. And the 'clubs' that advise their members to do so on grounds of safety to slow the traffic down should be sent to Siberia...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. I love it. On another thread recently you all discussed furious riding and someone mentions a cyclist getting done for it. On that thread the cops were knobs for doing it
    You lot need to get out more
    Oh hang on yeh carry on
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