"You're sixteen, You're beautiful and you're mine all mine." A lot of it makes your skin crawl these days
Those memories are the type that are etched in stone with every millisecond as if it was yesterday. To be able to lock those events away in your mind is hard enough let alone having the lid blown and having to deal with that emotion again.
But to be fair, those lyrics were being sung by guys who were about 20, not middle-aged DOMs of 50+. The fact of having daughters of 16 clearly changes people's perspective. And I suspect that life has strangely become more prudish in some respects (rise of Christian right in the US? I don't know). Witness the shock and horror caused by a guy in Speedos these days.
There is loads of evidence suggesting created-memories they regression and therapy. In the same way a hypnotist can talk to the subconscious so can analysts. And with age loses detail. Alas most only remember the stark bits, like sucking off A bay city roller, not that they begged and begged to do it and told them they 18 were when they were 14 Tbh if these things all end up true, what a bunch of depraved people we are in the UK if that's how we behave. Everyone's at it, or do it seems. Look up yer sons and daughters and just in case trust no one!!
What surprises me is that all this didn't come out when they were investigating all the scandal surrounding Michael Barrymore and the death of Stuart Lubbock. Its frightening that so much bad can be kept quiet for so long. And I can think of a couple of other celebs that make my skin crawl. Lets see if I'm right in another 40 years!!
Careful, he's been cleared already. I can see people getting injunctions against forums and their keyboard warriors...Lord Whatshisface on twatter anyone...stick with dead people or poor ones..
Look at Jerry Lee Lewis and his 13 year old wife . Sadly will always go on except now your more likely to get caught View attachment 14947
oh Matt wouldnt that be the sweetest thing...i would feel for the victims, but what a relief to not hear those incessant, depressing songs played ad nauseum....if i was 35 yrs younger id volunteer my arse.
no he was innocent mate...poor fkr was ripped to shreds by the media and he was the victim of a malicious nutter...i felt really sorry for the bloke..it very nearly destroyed his life.
you might have prostate problems...give jonathan king a call, he'll be happy to examine it for you.....assuming youre 9.